I have both dawnguard and dragonborn dlcs, and was thinking about the dwarven black bow of fate. Is this a good choice, or are there better options?
I have both dawnguard and dragonborn dlcs, and was thinking about the dwarven black bow of fate. Is this a good choice, or are there better options?
Whats the enchantment on that? I would just pick something bad ass like an Ebony or Daedric and enchant it myself.
Daedric. Glitch it to do 100000 damage. Because that's what's most important. Doing damage.
^ This.
I rarely ever create warrior characters, but the one I am playing now - Straight Up Nord Dragonborn Warrior, uses enchanted Legendary Nord Hero Bow. He uses it because he is Dragonborn after all and is a Steel loving warrior at heart. Love the Steel Armor with the Steel Horned Helmet.
You just cannot go wrong with Daedric or Ebony. Enchanted, dually enchanted of course.
Seems a bit op to me, I mean, I'm making a stahlrim sword of chaos for this character soon anyways.
If you're going to pick enchantments - can't beat a bow enchanted with paralyze. Puts 'em down, no fuss, no muss.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the enhanced dwarven crossbow yet.
It does massive damage,is easily smithed and has a high rate of stagger.
Depends. How will the bow be used. Long distance sniping or... medium range combat archery?
Heavy bows, like Ebony and Daedric will weight more, have longer drawtimes and therefore shoot farther. On the other hand, lighter ones like a hunting bow, will yield a higher DPS than the seemingly more powerful Daedric.
Well I didn't know about the different ranges for bows, I thought they all shot the same distance.
What do you know about the dwarven black bow of fate? In terms of range I mean.
cant go wrong with dragonbone bow either with dragonbone arrows to boot an most of mine always have an elemental damage one with fire an soul capture the other been frost an shock but then with my alchemy on some characters i could use a picked up long bow an iron arrow to one shot revered dragons with a concentrated lingering damage health over 15 seconds
You just sound excited that you obtained this bow. There are many better bows out there, and better yet, better bows that you can enchant.
What is your current level and perk setup in Enchanting?
What is your current level?
What is your current level and pek setup in Archery?
If you have Dwarven smithing you can improve that bow pretty well. The base damage isnt all that great.
The enchantment on that bow is pretty cool, but still, Id rather enchant something myself because I could get something BETTER that doesn MORE damage.
Well I only have a lv 68 in enchanting, and it leveled up from using soul gems to recharge weapons, and my character is at level 66 now
Archery is at lv 88 with 5/5 overdraw, eagles eye, power shot, quick shot, 2/3 critical shot, hunter's discipline, and ranger
A legendary dragonbone/daedric double damage enchanted weapon is overkill. Even on legendary difficulty.
A good bow depends on your playstyle. Choose between damage per hit, and damage per second. An improved Dwarven Black Bow of Fate looks good for a balanced dph/dps weapon.