It seems kind of hard to RP as a good character without doing the MQ.
My recent war priest.
Nord male that used heavy armor, 1H (maces only), restoration spells (all of them) and smithing. Thats it. Basically just did good for others, honored the dead, and put his motherland of Skyrim before everything.
I'm like you in that I always play evil characters. But I had a lot of fun with this build.
I actually used ebony armor with a mage hood. I put most of my points into magica for the resto spells. I think I got my health up to around 250-300. It looked bad ass.
He wasnt a pacifist though.
This may be more neutral than good, but I often play as a ranger that hates a specific type of enemy (falmer, dragur, rouge mages, forsworn, vamps, maybe even trolls) and specifically kits themselves out to fight those enemies (poison resist for falmer etc.). Then I go around doing any quests related to fighting them.
To be honest I'm not sure how you play evil in this game. I did play one character I called evil. He joined the DB, became a vamp. That was pretty bad IMO.
I did play a couple rogues that joined the TG and actually stole from people just to do it. Actually did pick-pocket a few time ... just to do it. I suppose that's bad.
Generally to play good I just help people when they ask, unless what they ask is deliberately evil. While many requests can be viewed as selfish, most are generally things like "save my son", "get my fathers's sword/shield/etc", "kill my hagraven mom", "help me get a scroll", "clear out a mine", "take this to my mother", etc. and etc. TBH finding something evil to do in this game without just going Postal in town or joining specific faction (or doing some Deadric quests) isn't easy to do.
Never played and evil character, but I can't say my current character is necessarily good either. Does lots of good for others, yes. Pay the homeless beggar, carry letters all over the freakin' place, doesn't beat up the annoying guard. So, a lot of good stuff (Nord warrier btw).
I did join the DB though and the Thalmor and Redguards for some reason always make me mad so they usually get the sword. So that is the not so good part. I suppose disposing of the DB would have been the good thing to do.
I agree. Seems like if you want to try to accomplish most things, you have to be a little bad. I usually try to "justify" it in my mind making up a back story of why that 'bad' action was necessary.
nope ha I usually play badasses that are neither "good" nor "evil", just tough bastards that do what feels natural to them
I guess the closest to a good character would be my barehanded Tongue build.
That's what I mean. Being evil in this game has to be extremely deliberate. You have to step outside of the norm and be a psychopath to make it work.
To be GOOD in this game ... just don't be a psychopath.
Sirius is a good guy! I usually play good characters, but sometimes I just can't resist stealing something or killing someone who annoys me (or just because I can), but with Sirius I'm really sticking to helping people, chosing the most polite dialogue options, aiming to rid the world of bandits, wolves, trolls, vampires and vicious dragons. He won't steal anything, won't kill anyone unless they're hostile (so they have to come at him first), no breaking into people's houses.
Ishkibal's a morally good person, she is just by our cultural standards a bit of an elitist, racism, paternalist [censored]. I find it's easier if 'good' characters are morally pragmatic anti-heroes, rather than paladins.
I usually play 'good' characters. One of them actually did kill Sissel's father and adopted her. Well, he was pretty awful to the girls ... cannot be an angel all of the time.
My Dovahkiin, Siegmeyer, was a Way of the Voice follower after hanging out with the Greybeards. What this means pretty much is restricting the use of the voice unless you absolutely need it (or when fighting Dragons, because why not fight like a dragon when you've got the blood of one and facing one?).
My good characters tend to end up corrupt (Metella was generally good, but, erm, she may have ended up owning Mehrunes' Razor... And, uh. A few other things may have 'occurred' that she never told Camilla about. Not like that! Well, okay, that, too... Inigo's a very handsome Khajiit, okay?) and my evil characters usually wind up having a change of heart, whether gradual or bolt-from-the-blue. It's quite difficult to completely avoid dabbling in the less savoury aspects of Skyrim life unless you meta-game, although most of the evil stuff you can pretty much tell quite early on that it's not going to end well for somebody... Metella was just trying to help that Silas guy out, and she would never have... done what she did... but something inside her snapped.
Similarly, it's quite hard to play as a baddie when your only options if you stray into 'can you please help me get my cat down from this tree' dialogue tend to be 'yes, of course, have you got a ladder' or 'no, I'm terribly sorry but I have a meeting, good luck with the cat thing!' no 'ugh, I've nothing against cats, but you smell as though you sleep in the litter tray, get out of my sight.' Well, I suppose you can assume that hitting tab to exit the conversation is an unwritten third option (swearing).
My main character is called Sejanus, he's a member of the Penitus Oculatus. I would class him as a good guy, but in my roleplay i dipict him having quite a temper and he lacks compassion for traitors to the Empire. So, i think having an all good, no flaws type of character is boring, but giving a good character a bit of a dark side can make it more enjoyable.
Not if you go by the textbook definition of "evil" which according to MW includes: "causing harm or injury to someone"
According to that, it's nearly impossible to not be evil in this game
My characters tend to think of themselves as Good, but are probably way too trigger-happy.
One 'mindset' for Good characters is "I'm so awesome I don't need to be the one to benefit - what can I do to benefit others instead?" After all, you're a juggernaut swimming in wealth and power. You don't need Daedric Artifacts - they're all worthless compared to what you can wear and wield anyway. Help those who help others, and help others to help others.
M'aiq almost always play a Good character. He will sometimes as a evil character if he feels like it.