Race really won't matter that much in the long run. Go with what you like.
Conjuration provides two main functions: Summoning creatures to fight at your side(diverting an enemy's attention away from you), and instantly creating weightless weapons which will deal decent damage and in the case of bound bows, provide unlimited ammo.
I'd suggest looking at how you think you'll want to play and decide which of those two functions would be more suitable to your style. From there it should be easy to select which perks, spells, and armor to choose.
Quick Note: A few people will say that bound weapons are useless for those wanting to build skills in Enchanting since the bound weapons can't be enchanted. But what they might forget is that eveantually, a perk can be chosen so that bound weapons will automatically cast Soul Trap on the killing blow, as opposed to having to cast the spell manually and hoping you can kill the enemy before you need to recast Soul Trap manually.