Good dragons?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:52 pm

Guys guys guys, you really need to know that the dragons are what angels are to God. In this case, dragons are the angels of Alduin. And because it's the end, they are commanded to help bring about the end. Time does destroy all, whether it is in the blink of an eye or in the span of 5,000 years, it makes no difference. The end is coming, the time god known as Alduin to the nords, Auriel to the mer, and Akatosh to the Cyrodiils, will try once again to consume Mundus, with the aid of his angels.

dragons are suppose to be very rare akavir races...
:banghead: :facepalm: . No! No no no no no! That is wrong! There are Tamriellic dragons, and know this because Tiber was commanding them around during his reign, after plenty were driven out of Morrowind due to cliff racers out competing them, and there was the skeletal remains of one in Battlespire, which took place during TES1. The dragons are pretty much demi-gods, probably ranked around with Morihaus, the flying and talking bull, lover of the Slave Queen Alessia, nephew of Pelinal, and son of Kyne.

Also, the only information about Akavir is outdated and dubious at best. Also, the dragons at Akavir have been wiped out. The only one is the newly made dragon, Tosh Raka, but even then, the tiger who became a dragon may or may not have literally turned into a dragon.
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:36 pm

only a dead dragon is a good dragon :toughninja:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:15 pm

Why are people so sympathetic about having to kill Dragons?

Did anyone ever wonder if there might have been some good Daedra?

Why did we have to kill all the Ogrims? One of them might have made a nice cuddly pet :(
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:06 am

Most animals are not good or evil, they are just animalistic. I expect dragons will be much the same.

their not animals, they have their own script, I suspect that their at least as smart as humans, allthough the trailer suggests otherwise.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:31 pm

If nothing else here's hoping you can at least have some conversations with them because
having all the dragons in the game as evil, destroy everything, burn burn burn it all down is
a touch one dimensional.

As is assuming that they are 'evil' from their mission to clean the humanoids from the face of Nirn. Morality is an interesting thing.

Edit*- Made even more interesting in a world where humanity is not the top of the food chain and the most powerful force in the universe.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 pm

the time god known as Alduin to the nords, Auriel to the mer, and Akatosh to the Cyrodiils,

Also known as Satakal to the Redguards. Seriously, I think Satakal should be used more often, since he's (arguably) closer to the essence of Alduin than either Akatosh or Auriel. Though the Alduin/Akatosh/Auriel threesome has been passed around so much that I suppose Satakal would only add to the confusion...
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:14 am

I hope that at the end of the main quest the dragons depart to Akavir now that they don't have to fight for Alduin anymore. Some could also stay behind for the lulz
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:42 am

"You should have acted
They're already here
The Elder Scrolls told of their return!
Their defeat was merely a delay.
Until the time after Oblivion opened.
When the sons of Skyrim would spill their own blood.
But no one wanted to believe, believe they even existed.
And when the truth finally dawned, it dawns in FIRE!
But! There's one they fear. In their tongue he is Dovakiin.
Dragon born!"

That being said, we've been told that the Dovahkiin can call down a dragon to help fight (possibly against their will). But all indications in lore are that the dragons raized Tamriel in the past and intend to do so again. Either way it looks to be very exciting to find out the truth in game!

edited for grammar /bonk
That whole thing is so misleading. Dragons have always been around. Just go play TESII Daggerfall. That was about 20 or so years prior to the 4th era. Are you saying that nobody believed dragons existed even though the Fighters Guild sent me on quests to go kill a dragon's nest where baby dragons were hatching in High Rock (which borders Skyrim)?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 pm

I hope that there are some good dragons in Skyrim. It would be so cool to have a conversation with one as well.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:08 pm

TES Dragons are closer to a race of intelligent beings rather then animals. They are not mindless killing machines or monsters as portrayed in other fantasy settings. The Red dragons served the empire for a good while and I would consider them somewhat "good", even if they were used as tools IMO.

Did anyone ever wonder if there might have been some good Daedra?

Daedra are not always bad or evil, it just depends on whether or not you're on their good side or not lol. Many Deadra Prince are worshiped in Tamriel remember. Heck just look at the Shiver Isle expansion, Sheogorath was a pretty nice fellow as long as you stayed on his good (read: crazy) side. His Golden Saints and Dark Seducers were friendly enough as well even though they were enemies in previous games. It's all about who's back you're scratching ;)

Mehrunes Dagon is one of the bad daedra though and the Dremora that serve him as pretty nasty as well.

I hope that there are some good dragons in Skyrim. It would be so cool to have a conversation with one as well.

The game informer video focusing on sound and music mentioned they were brainstorming how dragons should sound when they speak. I suppose they forgot there was one that spoke in Redguard hehe. We can count on some conversation at some point!
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:51 am

I'd love to gossip with dragons btw I read somewhere (gameinformer?) that people can do their jobs while talking to you so what if you could chat with dragon while he/her is destroying a town :3
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:06 pm

/bump just because makes good reading.
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