I would check UESP wiki for suggestions and tips about how enchantments work, particularly the order of effects.
I don't enchant weapons much because my characters do not use weapons much, or sometimes at all. Bows are about the only thing, and that's not constant (spells are easier and don't weigh anything).

For clothing:
100% Chameleon outfit is important for avoiding the endless repetitive combat which gets very boring after facing the same enemies for umpteen million times.
Fortify Luck is extremely good to boost all skills except Athletics and Acrobatics, and it's cheap compared to many other enchantments.
Water Walking, Water Breathing, and Night-Eye are essential.
Resist Magic is very helpful especially at higher levels (get Transcendent Sigil Stones for this).
Detect Life (get Sigil Stones as they are much more powerful) is very helpful, as is Light (again, Sigil Stones are more powerful).