Good & Evil Mod
A mod for Morrowind
- Brand new quests
- A choice to become a Vampire or stay with the hunters.
- Extra quests if you choose to be a vampire
- New armors and weapons
- New NPCs
- Scripted effects of the quest line
- And a lot of great fun!
The mod is currently in production. I'm alone on making this mod and I will keep you up to date here on TES forums. If you would like to join this project then your welcome just tell me what your skill is best at. You can email me on this mail: (yes I'm from Sweden) But anyways I love the vampire thing in Morrowind. But there was something missing. A war between Vampires and Vampire hunters. So this is what I'm aiming on this mod. I have planned that the mod will be full of puzzels that the player must come through. Actually there is a puzzle almost at the very beginning of the mod. The mod is more like The star wars thing between the sith and the jedi but it has taken the theme of Morrowind Vampires instead. Maybe in due good time I will add some highly advanced spells that will allow the player as a powerfull Vampire or Vampire hunter to control the nature. Like calling down metheors or summoning the nature beasts or some minions. I will make the mod compatible with the other well known vampire mods such as Vampire Embrace etc.
The mod will be published on TES Nexus, TES Alliance and Planetelderscrolls for download as well as my own website that I will create. I look forward to making this mod finished and see how you all dark siders or good siders will enjoy it's content. I will soon post more info on the mods progress and perhaps some sneak pics

Will you have the guts to see what's on the other side?