If by "evil" you mean I play after my own rules of morale, then yes. But that doesn′t mean I like to rob widows, or watch a village being overrun by trolls. I voted evil, but I usually end up being a hero, because I don′t want to lose any XP by not helping people. But if I have to chose between helping the village under attack, and getting a "Book of power", I chose the book. Good and evil are very abstract.
yeah i would choose the book to, i myself am an evil character, but will help someone and be friendly just to acquire a special item, what i mean by evil is the type of magic you cast, the way you dress, the things you can do like be cruel, or walk awy from someone being mugged, or commite your own crimes, in secret or in the open, i practice necromancy and command my legion to attack innocents, to rob them or to save people, but its more like a self image
EDIT: and im sure the entire game is a holy quest thing, good, and barely anything evil like oblivion, but the beauty of that is after the main quest is completed and your loved and respected by the people, who's to say you cant just flip and turn darkside, considering what you have just been through, thats whaty im gonna do then after everythings completed, its time to create my themed lair and create my dark spells and everything in a dark nature that i can perform on my self for my roleplaying exp.
EDIT: perhaps there should be a reward at the end of the game, a secret quest, to acquire a dark text, containing powerful necromancy spells and maybe a lich transform option, its things like this that make finishing a game more enjoyable, to be granted access to special features, and maybe a secret quest for a good character, like being bestowed upon power from the divines, like the 9 divines dlc from oblivion