Good or Evil

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:06 am

If by "evil" you mean I play after my own rules of morale, then yes. But that doesn′t mean I like to rob widows, or watch a village being overrun by trolls. I voted evil, but I usually end up being a hero, because I don′t want to lose any XP by not helping people. But if I have to chose between helping the village under attack, and getting a "Book of power", I chose the book. Good and evil are very abstract.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 pm

If by "evil" you mean I play after my own rules of morale, then yes. But that doesn′t mean I like to rob widows, or watch a village being overrun by trolls. I voted evil, but I usually end up being a hero, because I don′t want to lose any XP by not helping people. But if I have to chose between helping the village under attack, and getting a "Book of power", I chose the book. Good and evil are very abstract.

yeah i would choose the book to, i myself am an evil character, but will help someone and be friendly just to acquire a special item, what i mean by evil is the type of magic you cast, the way you dress, the things you can do like be cruel, or walk awy from someone being mugged, or commite your own crimes, in secret or in the open, i practice necromancy and command my legion to attack innocents, to rob them or to save people, but its more like a self image

EDIT: and im sure the entire game is a holy quest thing, good, and barely anything evil like oblivion, but the beauty of that is after the main quest is completed and your loved and respected by the people, who's to say you cant just flip and turn darkside, considering what you have just been through, thats whaty im gonna do then after everythings completed, its time to create my themed lair and create my dark spells and everything in a dark nature that i can perform on my self for my roleplaying exp.

EDIT: perhaps there should be a reward at the end of the game, a secret quest, to acquire a dark text, containing powerful necromancy spells and maybe a lich transform option, its things like this that make finishing a game more enjoyable, to be granted access to special features, and maybe a secret quest for a good character, like being bestowed upon power from the divines, like the 9 divines dlc from oblivion
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:48 am

I of course play both. I can't exactly roleplay good if I join the Dark Brotherhood, or roleplay evil when saving the world.

Voted good though, because I always play good first in RPG's (though I joined the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild on my first playthough before the other guilds, because stealth was so fun... :D).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:05 pm

Is it really a good act to give a coin to a beggar when I have two million in coin and own 11 houses?
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:51 am

Is it really a good act to give a coin to a beggar when I have two million in coin and own 11 houses?


Just think, in Skyrim, you can be a Robin Hood. Go around stealing from the wealthy homes and then before dawn leave all the loot you took in a big heap next to a sleeping beggar and watch him collect it all when he wakes up. :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:32 am

I'd say I'm more neutral good in the sense i'll help out people with quests, not commit crimes and generally be a good member of society although if I see something I like I'm not beyond stealing it or kill commanding someone then ressurecting them to get it, I also enjoy the occasional deadly reflex killing spree
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 pm

I put good and neutral - I don't usually play a murderer or anything, but I will steal if it suits me or cut a deal which specifically benefits my character over others. Even when roleplaying, I've never been too fussed about all out evil characters.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:38 am


Just think, in Skyrim, you can be a Robin Hood. Go around stealing from the wealthy homes and then before dawn leave all the loot you took in a big heap next to a sleeping beggar and watch him collect it all when he wakes up. :D

Excellent point, or I could go the Otumeel route and stick it all in barrels outside. Good, Evil or just completely hatstand.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:14 pm

Well i ll be a night blade,this means assassinations,thievery,blackmail,maybe abductions.
I guess it makes me evil :thumbsup:
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 am

Well i ll be a night blade,this means assassinations,thievery,blackmail,maybe abductions.
I guess it makes me evil :thumbsup:

I'd use the term "morally ambiguous"

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Andrea P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:34 pm

Both and in between.

Im a complicated man.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

My first character is usually good. Subsequent characters tend to be neutral.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 pm

I want to be an evil Viking .
I'll [censored] the villages and their maidens, drunken and full of rage I will spread more chaos than the Dragons ever will.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 pm

Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes veering towards the Evil side of the scale. >:D
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:57 pm

I'm fighting the good fight!

"Good for the Empire, good for all. Eh, citizen ?"
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:24 pm

yeah i would choose the book to, i myself am an evil character, but will help someone and be friendly just to acquire a special item, what i mean by evil is the type of magic you cast, the way you dress, the things you can do like be cruel, or walk awy from someone being mugged, or commite your own crimes, in secret or in the open, i practice necromancy and command my legion to attack innocents, to rob them or to save people, but its more like a self image

EDIT: and im sure the entire game is a holy quest thing, good, and barely anything evil like oblivion, but the beauty of that is after the main quest is completed and your loved and respected by the people, who's to say you cant just flip and turn darkside, considering what you have just been through, thats whaty im gonna do then after everythings completed, its time to create my themed lair and create my dark spells and everything in a dark nature that i can perform on my self for my roleplaying exp.

EDIT: perhaps there should be a reward at the end of the game, a secret quest, to acquire a dark text, containing powerful necromancy spells and maybe a lich transform option, its things like this that make finishing a game more enjoyable, to be granted access to special features, and maybe a secret quest for a good character, like being bestowed upon power from the divines, like the 9 divines dlc from oblivion

I lol'd when I saw that you were the OP. Trying to ascend towards immortality by becoming a lich, have we? It wouldn't fit with my image of the elderscrolls, but still, a mod will do it probably.
But you know that Akatosh, or the more common name of him in Skyrim, Al-Duin the World-Eater, is probably the antagonist? First you defeat him, and then he bestowes blessings upon the dragonborn. Doesn't make sense, I guess.

The society sees me as a benevolent person, helping the innocent, slaying the wicked. But it's harder than it looks. My grandfather was a vampire once, but was cured by a Daedric prince. Sometimes, I feel the urge to kill a random person and feast on his or her bones. I can keep it under control, but for how long? My father went mad after the Oblivion Crisis. He was a long time gone, in prison. When he returned, all the rumors we heard were true. Master of the fighters guild, high wizard in the mages guild. Champion of Cyrodiil. But we also heard bad rumors. The massacre of Water's Edge. Umbra. The massacre of a whole guild. I won't step in my father's footsteps; I must be stronger, or else all fails.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 am

My characters motto will be The end Justifies the Means. So its pretty much neutral (or a little evil)

Clade Vindicare ;)

I play neutral chars as i like to go where the wind takes me :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:34 pm

Both, though I rarely play neutral (just managed to pull off a full on merc character in a fallout game and it feels weird...even stranger in ES games).
My favourite Oblivion character started off as a really good guy, did the main quest, then Knights of the Nine etc but he went into the realm of madness and came out...changed. Eventually turned into an evil little bugger.

I think, so long as the devs account for them, both sides of the coin have potential, certainly it can be interesting to see how an evil character reacts differently to X (evil being ambiguous it depends on why they are 'evil' too...)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:41 am

My character will be Neutral Evil, he′s the type that doesn′t really care for anything but himself, he won′t kill someone for the kicks of it but if someone is being unpleasant around him he will kill him to end it, a bard may be singing a song my character doesn′t like and he will kill him for it, but he would not attack someone who is just passing by. If he sees a opportunity to add more defenses to his wast collection of shields, armor and alteration spells then he will do anything to get those defenses, being highly insecure when not coated in layers upon layers of defensive spells and armor each bit that makes him more armored removes that feeling a little bit, so he would kill a man just because he has a better shield or a stronger briastplate.

But that only goes for defense he would not attack someone for a better weapon since he doesn′t really care about hurting others or being able to inflict more damage, he just ends up hurting others when they are in his way or annoy him, if no one did that then no one would ever die by his hands, he will do the main quest and he will play along with others while he does it for his own benefit, he does not want to die after all so he will save the world and he will work for certain factions, but only if they promote his ideas of strength and honorable combat, he would never join the Dark Brotherhood since he does not think they fight honorably or in a fair way, he may be evil but he is still a Nord and has been brought up to honor just combat and fairness in battle.

I think this may be the worst character alignment I could think of for a first play but... who says my character is unable to learn from others ? unable to learn how to treat others nicely, perhaps he may even become less insecure with time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:19 pm

To be honest- its largely irrelevant to me :)
because Fallout: New Vegas allowed me to kill anyone I didn't like, and now they have this radiant story idea, I'm hoping I won't conform to a stereotype and do what I want.

I'm the dragonborn dammit! If someones pissing me off they deserve whats coming to them. (disclaimer: "what's coming to them" does not refer to any object specifically. It could be a fireball, an arrow, a warhammer to the face and/or the sudden disappearence of anything of theirs which is valuable)
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:18 pm

Erm, I take the best decisions possible for my character. It could be killing someone, or helping someone. I don't see why I should follow a set path, doesn't make sense.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:39 am

Erm, I take the best decisions possible for my character. It could be killing someone, or helping someone. I don't see why I should follow a set path, doesn't make sense.

It′s called roleplaying, but you could roleplay a strongly chaotic Neutral and be evil and good depending on if you profit more to be one or the other
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:34 am

Seems like LARPing to me. :P

I'm just an evil bastard really.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 pm


Just think, in Skyrim, you can be a Robin Hood. Go around stealing from the wealthy homes and then before dawn leave all the loot you took in a big heap next to a sleeping beggar and watch him collect it all when he wakes up. :D

or find that the town guard looking for his promotion finds the loot before he wakes up first :lol: (but sir, i swear i didnt steal anything, it was there when i woke up, honest) STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!!!!!

EDIT: that would be very funny and evil, you pretty much just got the beggar thrown in jail for the rest of his life, perhaps executed

EDIT: hey ya know, since theres talk that you can drop items in the street and there will be different reactions from townfolk, and consequences, i wonder if you could steal something and plant it on someone and divert the attention to someone else? that would be an awesome feature for theives
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 pm

I always play an evil character. Murder and steal very often.
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