good god this game got boring...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:22 am

COD MW2 bigger and well structured map design
COD MW2 larger weapon choices with various stats

those 2 things are not that good for crysis 2 mp.

if they release bigger nicely structured maps (outside of urban area like crysis wars )
and well balanced yet feel-different to use weaponry and some interesting mods for dlc

maybe that would do better for MP than modtool? afterall they are professionals to make games..

If it's well done, it would not be horrible thing to buy that dlc.

well, even avp3 has 2 map pack dlc and it's mp is said to be d..e..a..d..
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:46 pm

... once reaching lvl 27.

jackshít left to do.
got your modules.
got your weapons.
played the same maprotations a gazillion times.
same amount of cheaters as before, spread on fewer servers.

heck, i got more gametime out of cod2 than this game. and it didn't have any sort of unlocks/progression what-so-ever. meh...

It got boring waaaay quicker than that in SP.

Unless you have OCD and want to collect everything as you go along then the game burnt out way before you reached Gould....

It's just a repetitive series of boxed areas containing the same old enemies each time.

"Action bubbles" my a***!

No sense of excitement, discovery, exploration - just the game continuously telling you when you've reached a new boxed area and where all stuff of interest is.

I've had more excitement opening my curtains in the morning
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 pm

interesting thoughts in this thread!

i think MFlash hit the nail on the head. the downside with having an unlocksystem is that you constantly work towards that new gimmick, and once achieved, you get the feeling of being bored.

the issue is, apart from the unlocks, this game ain't got no entertainmentfactor, for me.

starting out with air stomp/side pack/stealth enhance (?) at level 1 you thought: oh, wow, at level 27 i'll get some pretty cool stuff. can't wait to get there.
the issue is the experience you have on your way there. i mean, c2 has LOADS of issues that haven't, what it seems, even been looked at. so you have to endure these issues all the way up to 27, and once you get there, the unlocks simply aren't worth it.

if i buy an FPS i want it to last for years. i want the FPS not to become repetetive and boring after a month.
my previous experiences with the codseries (up until it got shít at WaW) pretty much filled those needs.
i guess i made a mistake by thinking c2 would entertain me until bf3 & tes:V.

i personally regret spending nearly 20hrs ( probably more than half of that spent sitting in a lobby, trying to find a server) on this game.

hmmm good points there...

i kind of regret spending 124 hours on it so far -_-

but oh well....

Here is what it think is "wrong" with the MP (disregarding glitches/hackers):

> Not enough different guns - basically all the guns feel exactly - except the useless LTAG and MIKE which are total gimmicks and a joke of a weapon!

> Not enough maps/variety in maps - you'll quickly get bored of skyline/wall st./statue/evac zone/sanctuary/etc...

> Way you unlock modules etc is WRONG! You shouldn't all of a sudden have access to 4 modules once reaching magical lvl 6 in let's say armor! Thats BS and it makes the game ultra boring as there are only a few modules worth using...

> Challenges - unoriginal and boring - sometimes even down-right daft - for example sliding kills... REALLY?

> Rebooting - downright useless also... You get crap all for doing it so avoid like plague!

Crysis 2 online is only about fun until you reach lvl 39... Then you realise you have everything unlocked and its like WTF is the point of playing anymore....


if you're only playing to unlock weapons and modules,etc, then the problem is you. The core gameplay is very fun and addictive, but the game itself is broken beyond repair and crytek hasn't done **** to fix anything.

Thats the problem with the kids that were brought up playing CoD, thinking FPS is some kind of grind fest. Yeah well guess what, it isnt. FPS is simply just shooting and killing people. Thats where the fun is, or where it used to be. I can't even f*cking get in a game w/o some a$$hole cheating. The game is fubar.

I strongly agree. This douche has spent 124 hours grinding in a game he doesnt like.. sounds like an MMORPG player to be honest.

COD MW2 bigger and well structured map design
COD MW2 larger weapon choices with various stats

I agree with bigger maps but I wouldnt say the design was better. There were camping spots galore on almost every map. MW2 map design was simple, players were trafficked down certain pathways and then there were camping spots to overlook them. Then shall we talk about how on most maps 50% of the space simply went unused?

As for weapons yes there were more but most of them were downright redundant. The only weapons you saw online were the ACR, SCAR and UMP45 which was the best weapon on the game.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:51 am

if you're only playing to unlock weapons and modules,etc, then the problem is you. The core gameplay is very fun and addictive, but the game itself is broken beyond repair and crytek hasn't done **** to fix anything.

Thats the problem with the kids that were brought up playing CoD, thinking FPS is some kind of grind fest. Yeah well guess what, it isnt. FPS is simply just shooting and killing people. Thats where the fun is, or where it used to be. I can't even f*cking get in a game w/o some a$$hole cheating. The game is fubar.

just like to add the fact that i've been playing FPS since cs 1.2, so no: i wasn't brought up with playing CoD where you had to earn your guns (heck, once cod4 came out, the first thing i did was dload the lvl55 hack so i wouldn't have to grind the 70 hrs to get the ak47).

an FPS shouldn't rely on simply having achievments to be enjoyable: which c2 is doing.

i, as many others, prefer to have everything available at the start so we can judge the game straight away, and whether we like it or not. or to have the opportunity to get everything unlocked (yes, by most likely hacking lvlfiles), so we won't have to spend shítloads of hours "grinding" in a game where the gameplay utterly fails once you actually reach the destination.

i guess if you want a decent FPS where you won't have to spend one single second on worrying about unlocking this, unlocking that, you'll pretty much have to go back to the days of pre-cod4, when companies cared about the end-product, and not simply about how much grinding that needs to be done until the customers find the game boring, in which case you release some lame DLC for 10 bucks to keep them busy for another 2 months.
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Ian White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 am

I'd play for entertainment if I didn't have a 1sec lag at 30ping servers. That was the final nail.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:16 am

if you're only playing to unlock weapons and modules,etc, then the problem is you. The core gameplay is very fun and addictive, but the game itself is broken beyond repair and crytek hasn't done **** to fix anything.

Thats the problem with the kids that were brought up playing CoD, thinking FPS is some kind of grind fest. Yeah well guess what, it isnt. FPS is simply just shooting and killing people. Thats where the fun is, or where it used to be. I can't even f*cking get in a game w/o some a$$hole cheating. The game is fubar.

just like to add the fact that i've been playing FPS since cs 1.2, so no: i wasn't brought up with playing CoD where you had to earn your guns (heck, once cod4 came out, the first thing i did was dload the lvl55 hack so i wouldn't have to grind the 70 hrs to get the ak47).

It took you 70 hours to get to rank 5 in CoD4? Wow you must be **** horrible at FPS games.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:50 am

i dont think the game got boring. actually the game gets even more fun the more you play it, especially multiple player. so many fun games and intense fight for long time it is amazing especially combined with best graphics in any video game to date this makes it the best fps ever. i cant even play other fps game cuz crysis 2 set standard bar so high now.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:30 am

i dont think the game got boring. actually the game gets even more fun the more you play it, especially multiple player. so many fun games and intense fight for long time it is amazing especially combined with best graphics in any video game to date this makes it the best fps ever. i cant even play other fps game cuz crysis 2 set standard bar so high now.


"JustinBiebers"?? Must be trolling...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:35 pm

the fact that the game is on life support and ppl are having hard time to find populated servers and with all the cheaters that I hear about, The game must be getting boring.

But you know EA, even MOH sold 5 million copies
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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 am

I quit when I reached 32. It's just run and gun, run and gun.
I'll be waiting for Brink.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

ok so i like grinding and therefore im a douchebag?

where did i say i did not enjoy crysis 2?

im just saying - yes it was fun however it is not a game that you are going to keep playing for a long time - unlike CSS or even BC2...

Fact is you rank up too quickly - there should be no prestige and about 65 ranks going at current ranking speed that would make it more fun...


anyhow... Crysis 2 was fun no doubt about that!
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:28 am

once there was a time people played without any unlocks or leveling and still were addicted

if you are bored after you unlocked everything you wanted then i think you never really liked the game but just love to unlock stuff
for me, im not playing that much anymore (because i started c1 campaign again :P ) but i still like it, im 41 btw
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:40 pm

if you're only playing to unlock weapons and modules,etc, then the problem is you. The core gameplay is very fun and addictive, but the game itself is broken beyond repair and crytek hasn't done **** to fix anything.

Thats the problem with the kids that were brought up playing CoD, thinking FPS is some kind of grind fest. Yeah well guess what, it isnt. FPS is simply just shooting and killing people. Thats where the fun is, or where it used to be. I can't even f*cking get in a game w/o some a$$hole cheating. The game is fubar.

just like to add the fact that i've been playing FPS since cs 1.2, so no: i wasn't brought up with playing CoD where you had to earn your guns (heck, once cod4 came out, the first thing i did was dload the lvl55 hack so i wouldn't have to grind the 70 hrs to get the ak47).

It took you 70 hours to get to rank 5 in CoD4? Wow you must be **** horrible at FPS games.

i think he means MW2 - rank 70 to get ak47? Also it would not be 70 hours... much less than 24 L0L
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:31 am

Looks like others agree. There's more people playing Homefront on steam today than Crysis2.
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james tait
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:39 pm

Haven't touched this game since the day it came out. Barely through the first campaign level. Am waiting for the DX11 patch before I touch this turd again.
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loste juliana
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

Haven't touched this game since the day it came out. Barely through the first campaign level. Am waiting for the DX11 patch before I touch this turd again.

don't hold your breath mate -_- it will either take another 3 months for it to be released or it will svck
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:23 pm

Haven't touched this game since the day it came out. Barely through the first campaign level. Am waiting for the DX11 patch before I touch this turd again.

don't hold your breath mate -_- it will either take another 3 months for it to be released or it will svck

Oh I'm sure it'll svck. The quality of the released game is simply enough to prove that whatever from now on Crytek releases will svck.

It'll probably come out in a year and be a $60 DLC.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:57 am

i dont think the game got boring. actually the game gets even more fun the more you play it, especially multiple player. so many fun games and intense fight for long time it is amazing especially combined with best graphics in any video game to date this makes it the best fps ever. i cant even play other fps game cuz crysis 2 set standard bar so high now.

He is kidding, right? Esp "intense fight for long time" LOL Shattered Horizon (put in 470 hours into that) has far superior graphics. So do many other games (even some free FPS). The maps are too small and the rounds are terribly short. Plus, there's hardly any cover so you're dead if you are exposed, which is 90% of the time, making map strategy almost non-existent. When I played the demo the FIRST thing I noticed was how similar to BO this game was (just listen to the score sounds). Cartoony as hell, too.

I came to the forum today to check on updates because I was considering uninstalling the game today (My SSD needs to make room for better games).
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am

How about playing for ya'know, entertainment? >_>

because doing the same thing over and over isnt entertaining?

but ya, crysis 2 is a cod clone, thus it has all of the pitfalls of cod. aka-boring once u get all the unlocks. thats why they release a new one every 6 months.

So much fail in this post.

1-It's not a CoD clone. You know it, I know it, near every **** PC (****, EVEN CONSOLE gamers) know it, major critics know and confirmed it, and uhh...yeah, that's about it.

2-CoD is released every 12 months.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:39 am

How about playing for ya'know, entertainment? >_>

because doing the same thing over and over isnt entertaining?

but ya, crysis 2 is a cod clone, thus it has all of the pitfalls of cod. aka-boring once u get all the unlocks. thats why they release a new one every 6 months.

So much fail in this post.

1-It's not a CoD clone. You know it, I know it, near every **** PC (****, EVEN CONSOLE gamers) know it, major critics know and confirmed it, and uhh...yeah, that's about it.

2-CoD is released every 12 months.

tons of fail on that reply

1- looks like a clone to me

2- your a tard
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:46 am

happy that a lot of ppl see now how Crysis2 is failure.

Lets hope Crytek will reconsider making a such bad quality ( especialy after a very nice Crysis1 + modding ability ) is not a solution to make player happy + get a good reputation.


EDIT: thats really the first time that i see SOOO many unhappy players.

Event With Prototype PC version and Zero patch to fix pc version problem ( activision ) there wasnt so many ppl raging against a the game.

Destroy a awesome FPS in 1 leason. Nice job Cryfail.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:41 pm

How about playing for ya'know, entertainment? >_>

because doing the same thing over and over isnt entertaining?

but ya, crysis 2 is a cod clone, thus it has all of the pitfalls of cod. aka-boring once u get all the unlocks. thats why they release a new one every 6 months.

So much fail in this post.

1-It's not a CoD clone. You know it, I know it, near every **** PC (****, EVEN CONSOLE gamers) know it, major critics know and confirmed it, and uhh...yeah, that's about it.

2-CoD is released every 12 months.

it is a cod clone. get the cum out of your eyes and see the truth.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:04 am

it is a cod clone. get the cum out of your eyes and see the truth.

lol, im surprised you still post here. I can tell you hate this game, so why bother?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 am

it is a cod clone. get the cum out of your eyes and see the truth.

lol, im surprised you still post here. I can tell you hate this game, so why bother?

the game is half decent. ive said that many times. doesnt mean im not going to come here and complain about why it wasnt what was promised to us, and how the game has suffered due to being multi plat. I post here because in my spare time i like to see people complaining about things that should be complained about. crysis 2 was a slap to the face of any competent pc gamer out there, you best believe im going to be a part of the bichfest.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:07 pm

Its not hate, its more like the pc community is in mourning imo. We lost Crytek, who imo would have delivered something more like bf5 with a nano, had they stayed the course. They were so damn close, seriously Cry1 is so deep and challenging compared to cry2. Im sry guys but dx11 isnt going to change the gameplay or make the game cool all the sudden.

I know some of you think its great and thats fine. I enjoyed the sp for the most part, felt like the engine was well polished after a thorough stripping of some features that I liked.

In the end this game will be forgotten by the pc community, and Crysis will live on. I pretty sure theres a good hand full of people who are only keeping it installed to see what the next couple patches will do.

my $ 1.05
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