good god this game got boring...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:44 am

... once reaching lvl 27.

jackshít left to do.
got your modules.
got your weapons.
played the same maprotations a gazillion times.
same amount of cheaters as before, spread on fewer servers.

heck, i got more gametime out of cod2 than this game. and it didn't have any sort of unlocks/progression what-so-ever. meh...
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:51 am

It took you this long to figure it out? I've been rolling thumbs for 2 weeks now :(
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:43 am

It took you this long to figure it out? I've been rolling thumbs for 2 weeks now :(

you know, i figured i would enjoy having all the unlocks & weapons i'd need for my classes,
but instead i found the game to now be completely useless.

in a way, i understand why crytek is to release a mappack.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 am

How about playing for ya'know, entertainment? >_>
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Scared humanity
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:51 am

How about playing for ya'know, entertainment? >_>

because doing the same thing over and over isnt entertaining?

but ya, crysis 2 is a cod clone, thus it has all of the pitfalls of cod. aka-boring once u get all the unlocks. thats why they release a new one every 6 months.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:06 am

It's been out just over a month (?) so how are you possibly bored of it already? Maybe you should consider playing an MMO, if your after longevity.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:20 pm

It's been out just over a month (?) so how are you possibly bored of it already? Maybe you should consider playing an MMO, if your after longevity.

Because theres really not a lot of content in crysis 2.
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maya papps
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:11 am

Its not a game designed to capture your interest for ages (like css, bf2, mmo's), its a quick wam, bam explosions thanks for the money buy our sequel kind of game. Disappointing for those of us who can sink 1000's of hours into a shooter, but in a developers mind necessary to accommodate the shortening attention span of gamers...well some anyway. Despite the fact that those people will play ANYTHING, regardless of quality, if they can bump out a game that meets those low expectations, what reward is there for creating a truly great game? When 'meh' will do and earn a decent wage? Personally I'd hate the thought of anything mediocre attached to my name, but then again I don't get millions of people to buy my 'mediocre' stuff, hell noone buys it...because its ****. But they buy mediocre games, which is annoying seeing as there aren't enough people with the self restraint to successfully boycott **** games, they'll continue to pollute and ruin the games industry.


On topic, I hit lvl49 before the game died in my country, not even enough players to fill a server now. Its a shame, seeing as we never got to see sandbox3, and the game will be well and truly dead before that comes out. A community keeps a game alive, you gotta give them something to play with to keep them around (see crysis 1, damn thing is still kicking and its MP was never that stellar, mod tools turned a pretty shooter into a household name..You idiots at crytek kinda forgot that, along with every other major dev in the world (a preemptive **** you to DICE for the upcoming dissapointment bf3 will be)).

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:18 am

that's the tricky thing

With this unlock system, you can easily oversee the funfactor fo the actual game, because the satisfaction comes from the unlocks first. Because they are something that stays and feel more of an accomplishment. And when you have everything you need, you are easily in denial of a boring game, because you want the stuff you accomplished to be worth it.

I personally have that problem. Plus I think Crysis 2 has a lot of good in it but I feel let down everytime I play the game in hope that it actually got... better? fixed? balanced? I don't know. But something has to be tweaked in the mechanics in order for it being less of a point and shoot shooter.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:20 pm

lol lvl 27....

try getting to lvl 39... then you unlock all the weapons... and hten you have **** all to do....

and then get to lvl 50...
and then get to vlvl 39 again...

i did that... and ive no clue why - i have no desire to play this game ever again - maby for a bit of SP but nothing moar
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 pm

Despite the fact that those people will play ANYTHING, regardless of quality, if they can bump out a game that meets those low expectations, what reward is there for creating a truly great game? When 'meh' will do and earn a decent wage? Personally I'd hate the thought of anything mediocre attached to my name, but then again I don't get millions of people to buy my 'mediocre' stuff, hell noone buys it...because its ****. But they buy mediocre games, which is annoying seeing as there aren't enough people with the self restraint to successfully boycott **** games, they'll continue to pollute and ruin the games industry.

True. But I imho a "truly great game" is not exacly hard to produce, once you have a generally good idea. After that it's only balancing and that really is not that much of an effort.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:24 am

The MP is good for casual gaming but I can't imagine why anyone would want to play it for months on end. It doesn't have the kind of depth that the Battlefield series had. Real Battlefield I mean, not Bad Company.

A month or so and then move on.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

I am inclined to agree. The game has gotten boring. Its still fun to log on once a while and jam a game here and there.
But thats about it.

Lack of good maps.
Maps are small.
Rounds end to quickly.
Bad hit detection.
Random disconnects.

Just not worth it imo.
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lacy lake
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:52 am

wtf crysis 2 need help by me dont work my acc
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:50 pm

I am inclined to agree. The game has gotten boring. Its still fun to log on once a while and jam a game here and there.
But thats about it.

Lack of good maps.
Maps are small.
Rounds end to quickly.
Bad hit detection.
Random disconnects.

Just not worth it imo.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:15 am

interesting thoughts in this thread!

i think MFlash hit the nail on the head. the downside with having an unlocksystem is that you constantly work towards that new gimmick, and once achieved, you get the feeling of being bored.

the issue is, apart from the unlocks, this game ain't got no entertainmentfactor, for me.

starting out with air stomp/side pack/stealth enhance (?) at level 1 you thought: oh, wow, at level 27 i'll get some pretty cool stuff. can't wait to get there.
the issue is the experience you have on your way there. i mean, c2 has LOADS of issues that haven't, what it seems, even been looked at. so you have to endure these issues all the way up to 27, and once you get there, the unlocks simply aren't worth it.

if i buy an FPS i want it to last for years. i want the FPS not to become repetetive and boring after a month.
my previous experiences with the codseries (up until it got shít at WaW) pretty much filled those needs.
i guess i made a mistake by thinking c2 would entertain me until bf3 & tes:V.

i personally regret spending nearly 20hrs ( probably more than half of that spent sitting in a lobby, trying to find a server) on this game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:27 am

I suppose it's a personal opinion at the end of the day. I've been really enjoying the MP. I play infrequently, maybe an hour every other day. So it's novelty is not wearing off. I guess thats the clincher. This clearly isn't a competitive online FPS game, and is more directed at people like myself. Seems to be where the genre is going as a whole.

Big shames for that. Maybe the next one will get it right?
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:23 am

I suppose it's a personal opinion at the end of the day. I've been really enjoying the MP. I play infrequently, maybe an hour every other day. So it's novelty is not wearing off. I guess thats the clincher. This clearly isn't a competitive online FPS game, and is more directed at people like myself. Seems to be where the genre is going as a whole.

Big shames for that. Maybe the next one will get it right?

think you're right. mind you, i aswell have been enjoying the MP, except it grows boring very quickly.

this game has more of an approach to satisfy the casual gamer who only plays the odd hour every day. as you say, it seems like many of the FPS being released today also caters to that specific group: no doubt a result of the casual gamers that the consoles have brought, where you just sit in your couch for a few hours and chill out with your controller, thinking you're überpro with that aimassist.

funny how most of the top-notch FPS that still hold their ground were released pre-360 & ps3, that is before 2005 and 2007 respectively. then you have the odd exception, mostly results from valve: the only dev left who seems to be thinking pc is actually a gaming platform, and not some sort of a f*cking complementary device to a console with redundant hardware. jeez, i get fired up over these issues.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:43 am

Without mod support, the game gets booooring soo fast.
Crysis Wars is still be played, even 3 years (!) after the release.
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His Bella
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:46 am

you're bored because you unlocked everything? gtfo.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am

I wish there were more people in AUstralia that plays it, a shame, it has such potential.

I know many users have problems but I for one have very VERY rarely encounted the game breaking ones, I read the forums etc before I purchased the game and had the unlock bug, exp bug etc ironed out (for myself) anyway. Im currently rank 26 and I like Crysis 2 very much, I would play it more if I could get in seeing as though at peak there are usually only 4 servers full and its just a long waiting list to get in from there.

I think the unlocks are fine, they arent handing out (BC2, Im looking at you), dont feel that I will be become bored of it anytime soon seeing as I have an obsession to get every achievement/gun before moving on to other games.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:33 am

interesting thoughts in this thread!

i think MFlash hit the nail on the head. the downside with having an unlocksystem is that you constantly work towards that new gimmick, and once achieved, you get the feeling of being bored.

the issue is, apart from the unlocks, this game ain't got no entertainmentfactor, for me.

starting out with air stomp/side pack/stealth enhance (?) at level 1 you thought: oh, wow, at level 27 i'll get some pretty cool stuff. can't wait to get there.
the issue is the experience you have on your way there. i mean, c2 has LOADS of issues that haven't, what it seems, even been looked at. so you have to endure these issues all the way up to 27, and once you get there, the unlocks simply aren't worth it.

if i buy an FPS i want it to last for years. i want the FPS not to become repetetive and boring after a month.
my previous experiences with the codseries (up until it got shít at WaW) pretty much filled those needs.
i guess i made a mistake by thinking c2 would entertain me until bf3 & tes:V.

i personally regret spending nearly 20hrs ( probably more than half of that spent sitting in a lobby, trying to find a server) on this game.

hmmm good points there...

i kind of regret spending 124 hours on it so far -_-

but oh well....

Here is what it think is "wrong" with the MP (disregarding glitches/hackers):

> Not enough different guns - basically all the guns feel exactly - except the useless LTAG and MIKE which are total gimmicks and a joke of a weapon!

> Not enough maps/variety in maps - you'll quickly get bored of skyline/wall st./statue/evac zone/sanctuary/etc...

> Way you unlock modules etc is WRONG! You shouldn't all of a sudden have access to 4 modules once reaching magical lvl 6 in let's say armor! Thats BS and it makes the game ultra boring as there are only a few modules worth using...

> Challenges - unoriginal and boring - sometimes even down-right daft - for example sliding kills... REALLY?

> Rebooting - downright useless also... You get crap all for doing it so avoid like plague!

Crysis 2 online is only about fun until you reach lvl 39... Then you realise you have everything unlocked and its like WTF is the point of playing anymore....

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:15 pm

interesting thoughts in this thread!

i think MFlash hit the nail on the head. the downside with having an unlocksystem is that you constantly work towards that new gimmick, and once achieved, you get the feeling of being bored.

the issue is, apart from the unlocks, this game ain't got no entertainmentfactor, for me.

starting out with air stomp/side pack/stealth enhance (?) at level 1 you thought: oh, wow, at level 27 i'll get some pretty cool stuff. can't wait to get there.
the issue is the experience you have on your way there. i mean, c2 has LOADS of issues that haven't, what it seems, even been looked at. so you have to endure these issues all the way up to 27, and once you get there, the unlocks simply aren't worth it.

if i buy an FPS i want it to last for years. i want the FPS not to become repetetive and boring after a month.
my previous experiences with the codseries (up until it got shít at WaW) pretty much filled those needs.
i guess i made a mistake by thinking c2 would entertain me until bf3 & tes:V.

i personally regret spending nearly 20hrs ( probably more than half of that spent sitting in a lobby, trying to find a server) on this game.

hmmm good points there...

i kind of regret spending 124 hours on it so far -_-

but oh well....

Here is what it think is "wrong" with the MP (disregarding glitches/hackers):

> Not enough different guns - basically all the guns feel exactly - except the useless LTAG and MIKE which are total gimmicks and a joke of a weapon!

> Not enough maps/variety in maps - you'll quickly get bored of skyline/wall st./statue/evac zone/sanctuary/etc...

> Way you unlock modules etc is WRONG! You shouldn't all of a sudden have access to 4 modules once reaching magical lvl 6 in let's say armor! Thats BS and it makes the game ultra boring as there are only a few modules worth using...

> Challenges - unoriginal and boring - sometimes even down-right daft - for example sliding kills... REALLY?

> Rebooting - downright useless also... You get crap all for doing it so avoid like plague!

Crysis 2 online is only about fun until you reach lvl 39... Then you realise you have everything unlocked and its like WTF is the point of playing anymore....


if you're only playing to unlock weapons and modules,etc, then the problem is you. The core gameplay is very fun and addictive, but the game itself is broken beyond repair and crytek hasn't done **** to fix anything.

Thats the problem with the kids that were brought up playing CoD, thinking FPS is some kind of grind fest. Yeah well guess what, it isnt. FPS is simply just shooting and killing people. Thats where the fun is, or where it used to be. I can't even f*cking get in a game w/o some a$$hole cheating. The game is fubar.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 am

To me, unlocking is pretty boring. I had better fun playing older games where u had everything at your disposal.

The difference was in the game, skill was the only thing that mattered. All we have now is kiddies stuff just to show off school friends: ranks, tags, perks...
and when everything is unlocked, some people get bored. Why? Because apart from the unlocks, the game is completely insipid.

Damn, look at counterstrike (yes that old stuff), basic and entertaining.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:31 am

To me, unlocking is pretty boring. I had better fun playing older games where u had everything at your disposal.

The difference was in the game, skill was the only thing that mattered. All we have now is kiddies stuff just to show off school friends: ranks, tags, perks...
and when everything is unlocked, some people get bored. Why? Because apart from the unlocks, the game is completely insipid.

Damn, look at counterstrike (yes that old stuff), basic and entertaining.

Lol CS is still most played game on steam... Anywho... I like RPG and i like FPS... I was not brought up playing CoD but the fact is grinding while playing FPS is what keeps the game fun for me... Once i have nothing to work towards game becomes boring....

This is why i mainly stick to CSS RPG servers because you rank up - etc etc...

However the problem i see with all weapons unlocked - for example CSS is that some guns are vastly superior to the rest - in CSS' case its the AWP and Elite - massive noob cannons.
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