PC hold breath is hardcoded to alt, which is the default for grenade/bash
PC hold breath is hardcoded to alt, which is the default for grenade/bash
No only stats I found indicate http://www.vg247.com/2015/11/16/fallout-4s-digital-sales-topped-100m-in-3-days/ (Steam sales 1.2 million vs combined console sales of .67 million). Those are early day one stats, apparently Steam got up to 1.5 million a little later, with console digital sales still way down there. Plus a lot more shipped out, no info on the rest of those 12 million copies...
I've never had a reason to check but I assume this means keys aren't remapable?
It's remappable but grenade/bash/power attack is always bound to 1 button
It is amazing the bindings and controls were so poorly done for the PC. I'm a lefty, without auto hot key this game would be carpel tunnel syndrome. The numpad is "reserved" for some unknown reason, and while I could move WASD to the arrow keys, picking locks appear to use a hard-coded WASD.
It's either too few buttons where they overload for no good reason, like the grenade/melee combo, or there are too many buttons that do the same thing - like closing menu/dialogs could be the TAB, the ESC, or the pipboy button depending on what you are doing. Why can't there just be one button that would close any menu or dialog?!?
TS, you nailed it. It's such a bad design it's really beyond me. Maybe they thought that melee anyway is not playable at all so it doesn't matter?
happened to me a few times, svcks, but it hasn't ruined any thing for me yet. I've seen a few video clips of people hilariously placing mines and killing themselves when they are meaning to do a power sneak attack, something to do with skyrim melee power attack key binding? I hated melee in skyrim so i almost never used it.
Well that is just bogus, because melee is overpowered as F in this game. Both melee, unarmed, power armour, stealth or just the straight up approach with normal armor.
It also makes everything unresponsive. You can't throw a grenade on a moment's notice.
An easy fix would be to do it the same as Skyrim. Hold the attack button to do a power attack and then you could have a dedicated throw grenade key all of its own. Bizarre why they didn't go with that after so many were used to it in Skyrim.
Play a female character, then you're a lawyer and it all makes sense.
EDIT: Scratch that......geez, I'm not awake yet it seems
@ Akrabra: If melee is overpowered what then is using guns? Over-overpowered? At least on Survival I find melee not very suitable for many situations with 0.5 damage factor, for some it's ok. How do you deal with the mirelurk queen, a glowing legendary mirelurk and 20+ small critters at the same time using melee? Ok, wrong thread I presume, call my question rhetorical.
Sneak, Blitz, Ninja, Black Smith, Science and lvl 4 Big Leagues. Albeit that has more to do with Stealth than pure melee but it is still silly OP.
It doesn't happen every time but happens now and then, which shouldn't ever happen with dozens of free keys. But they don't give a damn about PC UI anymore. You cannot have separate keys for these two wildly different functions, that's the issue. They're hardcoded to the same button.
Because not everyone uses a controller.
Yes, it's stupid to map them on the same button. When I still had grenades I wanted to melee an incoming attacker and ended up throwing a grenade. When I ran out of stock, I didn't notice at first and my character performed a melee attack, thereby standing up and being peppered with bullets.
Strange, I cannot quote posts...?
@ The Creeper: that all applies to ranged combat too. But you are much safer at the same time because for melee you have to be in ... melee range, you know. It's dangerous, as in real life. I can melee with sneak or in power armor. I can shoot down enemies with sneak or power armor but I can also win ranged fights without it. But it's really possible that just I personally svck at melee (because I'm a bad player).
Let's give an example: I was surprised by some tough raiders (those fire and steel guys with the nasty flame throwers) at Lvl 24, when I fled to shoot them down I met in addition a legendary fly and three of her comrades (or they met me). How do you deal with seven enemies, partly legendary, with melee on Survival?
It would have been nice if we could have made it a pure melee or pure grenade button in the options.
In my specific build, I never gun bash because I only run 3 points of strength and it deals more damage to hip fire shots at point blank.
I wish I could just turn the grenade/melee button into a pure grenade button, personally.
It also would have been nice if they just auto equipped the next kind of grenade if you ran out of the current one or at least made a "can not do it" noise instead of just meleeing like a doofus... but they didn't... because reasons...