Went to the "Join Game" button and did my official and ranked filter and low and behold there were maybe 20 servers running with people on them. 5 of them were full with 16/16. Must be a popular multiplayer.
I mean really. How can you screw something up so bad. The demo which was multiplayer was one of the most popular and talked about demos when it came out. Everyone had a ball. You mentioned the Crysis 2 demo to someone and there were like, "yeah that is really good".
Even tonight when I logged into online play. It gives me the new content and the stars to pick my weapons over again with a level 5. When I click on my stats it says level 7 which I did make it to. It is still as screwed up as when it was a few weeks ago. Amazing.
5 points for one of the worst EA MP launches ever. But not just a screw-up figuring the demo. But a complete disgrace.
Sorry. That is what it looks like to me.