Good loot for mages?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:12 am

I keep on finding nice weapons, armor and the like all the time. Now why is it I never find a nice robe or anything my mage character could have use for? He's level 25 and still running around in the robes he had on level 2, still has the same tiara for destruction support ect. I found ONE piece of equipment so far I wanted to use myself, a pair of elven boots with some frost resistance enchantment and that's not even that mage specific, is it?

As a mage, I'm not even strong enough to carry all that warrior stuff around to sell it later. (Not that having to run from merchant to merchant because the all have like no money was any better ...)

It's not that I want to find a new robe in every chest, but it'd add a lot of enjoyment to this game if at least sometimes I'd be happy about what I find and not think: "Uh, plate armor of this and that ... crap, it weighs 50 pds, I'll leave it here, I would have to travel to this and that merchant anyways because it's worth 940 pieces of gold."
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Karine laverre
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:48 am

I keep on finding nice weapons, armor and the like all the time. Now why is it I never find a nice robe or anything my mage character could have use for? He's level 25 and still running around in the robes he had on level 2, still has the same tiara for destruction support ect. I found ONE piece of equipment so far I wanted to use myself, a pair of elven boots with some frost resistance enchantment and that's not even that mage specific, is it?

Depends on what you are using...if you are using armor you are happy if you find some even if you're just going to disenchant it.

As a mage, I'm not even strong enough to carry all that warrior stuff around to sell it later. (Not that having to run from merchant to merchant because the all have like no money was any better ...)

It's not that I want to find a new robe in every chest, but it'd add a lot of enjoyment to this game if at least sometimes I'd be happy about what I find and not think: "Uh, plate armor of this and that ... crap, it weighs 50 pds, I'll leave it here, I would have to travel to this and that merchant anyways because it's worth 940 pieces of gold."

Huh? You are exactly as strong as a warrior when it comes to carry loot (that 5pts per lvl is nothing and stamina regeneration is strictly better than a big stamina pool). Also, if you wear robes, you don't have that much space occupied as you would if you would wear a heavy armor so you can carry even more than warriors (weightless-perks aside).
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:25 pm

The little loot there is, is usually aimed at warriors/thiefs.

Unless you like a Ebony Cuirass of Extreme Restoration (derp).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:27 pm

Enchanting will make you good gear, I would try to avoid the free spells option this presents though, as it is a bit cheap.
The Archmages robes are OK, assuming you are roleplaying a Mexican goatherd.

You can browse some of the other options here:

The focus in this game is more on warriors imo, mages are lacking development in all areas (spells, perks, gear).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 am

The Archmages robes are OK, assuming you are roleplaying a Mexican goatherd.

Thank you for making my day.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:25 am

I keep on finding nice weapons, armor and the like all the time. Now why is it I never find a nice robe or anything my mage character could have use for? He's level 25 and still running around in the robes he had on level 2, still has the same tiara for destruction support ect. I found ONE piece of equipment so far I wanted to use myself, a pair of elven boots with some frost resistance enchantment and that's not even that mage specific, is it?

As a mage, I'm not even strong enough to carry all that warrior stuff around to sell it later. (Not that having to run from merchant to merchant because the all have like no money was any better ...)

It's not that I want to find a new robe in every chest, but it'd add a lot of enjoyment to this game if at least sometimes I'd be happy about what I find and not think: "Uh, plate armor of this and that ... crap, it weighs 50 pds, I'll leave it here, I would have to travel to this and that merchant anyways because it's worth 940 pieces of gold."
Um. Do the mages guild quests? You have to kill a ton of mages, all of them wear enchanted robes of one kind or another. You should get an upgrade eventually. Alternatively, buy them from the shop in Solitude, or more realistically make them yourself.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:01 am

Go get the sign of the steed, it's near solitude, it gives you +100 weight
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Lily Something
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:45 pm

Go get the sign of the steed, it's near solitude, it gives you +100 weight

tnx for the spoiler :( seriously, how hard is it to use spoiler tags?
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:33 pm

Some people seem to misunderstand what this was all about. First of all, having to do a certain questline has little to do with random loot. Second, I know I could make equipment myself with enchanting or buy it in the stores (though, honestly, I haven't seen anything in stores so far I wanted to buy) , but how would that affect the feeling when exploring a dungeon and finding something nice, thinking: "Neat, it was worth getting down here after all" ?
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:47 am

tnx for the spoiler :( seriously, how hard is it to use spoiler tags?

How is the (somewhere near there) location of a sign a spoiler to you? Oversensitive much?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:32 pm

My shaman likes the look of the fur armor best, so when I find enchanted warrior/thief items, I disenchant them and apply to the cheap fur armor as enchantments improve. When enchants are higher, I sell the fur and apply the higher enchant to the fur...
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:36 am

You aren't imagining it.

There is only ONE single pair of cloth gloves in the entire game....and it has zero stats. How many gauntlets of heavy and leather are have you seen, with lots of attractive stats? tons,.

I wouldnt say Bethseda introduced a small selection of cloth gear it is more like they absoulutely totally forgot to make any cloth drops peroid because there is not one single piece of clothie mage gear in the entire game that you will find as a mage that you can't do better with enchanting at very low levels (as easy as it is leveling enchanting).

Pretty obvious that they released a half finished game only melee classes have their perks, gear, leveling somewhat finished.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:54 pm

I'm a mage, and I don't mind killing dragon priest/saving up for my gear.

Makes me more of a boss then those zombie slaying/Iron dagger making warriors. In my opinion anyways. :P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:53 am

Mages got really stiffed on loot. You basically go from

Novice robes of X -> Apprentice robes of X -> Adept robes of X and so on until you get the best robes on the game which can be gotten very early on. The vast majority of quests that don't give gold as a reward give something unsuitable for a Mage.
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k a t e
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 am

Mages got really stiffed on loot. You basically go from

Novice robes of X -> Apprentice robes of X -> Adept robes of X and so on until you get the best robes on the game which can be gotten very early on. The vast majority of quests that don't give gold as a reward give something unsuitable for a Mage.

And sadly mages got stuffed on lotsa other areas also. Ala destruction spells becoming more useless every time you lvl up after you reach say lvl 30 or 35. And still no patch in horizon that would fix the horrible end game balance of mages. Well those other classes 1 shotting dragons need some balance also.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 am

I think there should have been staves or spellbooks you could find that modify how your spells, such as reduce the cost of a certain school, or add a DoT to a specific spell, or increase the casting speed, etc.
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brian adkins
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:29 am

I find expert robes all the time. Those things are great to sell. Weigh only a pound and I get like 700 coin for them
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:01 pm

There is only ONE single pair of cloth gloves in the entire game....and it has zero stats. How many gauntlets of heavy and leather are have you seen, with lots of attractive stats? tons,.

Aren't the Thalmor gloves cloth? I found a pair of brown ones, as well ...
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