» Thu May 03, 2012 4:00 pm
Well, first of all pick Breton for the 50% magicka resistance. Wouldn't it svck to be brought down by the very power you exploit? But your strength will suffer for it. This can be remedied by enchanting your apparel with fortify strength. You will need speed to move around ( You're not going heavy armor are you? That's too much spreading your skills out thinly ).
Really, you're going to have to specialize and having melee AND magicka is really pushing it for a game that has its world level with you so unmercifully that it could easily overpower you until you catch up in later levels.
You might want to consider nGCD so that you can level your character skills and attributes based on what you do.
Fundament ( needed just for nGCD ):
OBSE ( also needed for nGCD ):
Alteration would be useful for the shield spell. But that is only if you intend to use melee a lot. But why would you do this when magicka spells bypass armor completely? ( Summoned weapons don't bypass armor, though. They are just summoned weapons that can hit normal and supernatural creatures ). Magicka is hindered only by resists, but you can counter with weakness to magicka.
Conjuration is really good because it will give you a summon to distract your scumbag enemy if they see it first. You can then pelt them with spells. Later you will get really good summons like the gloom wraith that can't be hurt by normal weapons. Some of the summons are not as good as they should be because they don't use weapons. Xivilai, is what I'm talking about.
Illusion is also very good on its own, but used alongside Conjuration it is killer. Unfortunately, Illusion is governed by personality. I can understand why they had to do this for balance, but still it is a valid complaint. Personality is, imo, a useless attribute when you are a mage who can charm them or temporarily fortify your personality to 100 with a Restoration spell.
Destruction is for someone who simply wants to rain damage all over their scumbag foes. Very to-the-point and no nonsense.
You can see that you have many choices, but the more you make yourself a jack of all trades the more your character suffers.