Nah, not huffy; just a disclaimer to deal with any "That Guy's'" out there.

If I was huffy, there'd be a lot more sarcasm and no smiley.
Anyway, good to see DarkUI is still going - First one I tried, ever and liked it back then.
Just a little humor insert. If I knew you were actually huffing, I would not have put the smiley, either. :foodndrink:
Me, playing on a 36" monitor (really an HDTV), at about half console distance away (almost takes up your entire focused vision, it's great for immersion :wink_smile: ) at 1360X768 resolution, even I thought the vanilla UI was way oversized. Now, with DarkUI'd and TNO's HUD Status Bars mod, my HUD looks like this:
(Please ignore the unsporting slash I gave that poor Altmer)