First of all, I recommend taking my word for it and watching these with as little prior knowledge as possible. I find doing so improves the experience :happy:. My way to achieve that is to keep a list of things to watch at some stage, and (basically) watch things when I don't remember what they are

. These suggestions will only be awkward if you're too immature to watch them

Coraline is a great film, enjoyable for all ages. Its based on a book by Neil Gaiman, I suggest watching rather than reading anything on IMDB. And, yes, buttons are relevant to the plot. In addition to the great story, a damned good reason to watch it is that it was filmed
completely in stop-motion! What makes that impressive is the fact it was released in 2009, is a full hour and a half long, and looks amazing.
The Princess Bride has so many awesomely quotable lines that I won't get myself started. Its parodies, avoids, and generally plays with a lot of cliché's and things, while a remaining great adventure story that's loads of fun. If you haven't watched it already, do so now.
Toy Story trilogy should need no introduction.
Might have some more for you in the morning, these (the first two, really) are just the ones just the ones which sprang to mind
