» Sat May 28, 2011 6:21 pm
Found at least one iron gladius so far! (I knew it was a frans item because it was missing a mesh that i hadnt installed). I like having more variety than I'll need. I find it hard to imagine anyone but the legion having standardized gear in a world like Oblivion's.
What I'd really like to do is weaken all the realswords weapons so they're balanced instead of being overpowered, or keep the strong ones from spawning until later. It's great when your character is young and the OOO world will kill him if he goes in the wrong hole, but I can see myself ditching them at higher level to keep the challenge.
of course, i really shouldnt be playing oblivion. I have a math test tomorrow, a project due friday, and finals coming up. Still, it is preferable to have relaxation be relaxing, instead of crashing whenever i try to do some stuff.
Guess i was wrong about SSEE-OOO causing the crash. Still crashes every time.
Problem is not solved, still crash inside the gate. The trigger seems to be talking to the kvatch guard inside the gate. When i run past him, everything loads fine. If i talk to him, and then move forward, then i crash when i load the next set of cells.