You seem to be the only one getting hostile.
I am sorry if you interpret my posting as hostile as it is not entended to be.
This and this.
You're always so radically against the removal of attributes when you haven't even seen it in action yet. The developers who sat there playing the game saw them as redundant. Why not trust them? It's already been stated that everything that attributes did is still in the game, why even add them in? I really don't get it.
I am against generalizing character design, slapping multiple stats into one stat reduces variety in character design. I am not saying you can't play it the new way and have fun, but me and some other people can't enjoy the new system and being able to change the system means I will be able to enjoy the game more. is it wrong for me to want to enjoy this game, or should I just play something I don't like as much.
Right, because you possess knowledge of Skyrim on the developer-level.
You should really wait and see how they would impact Skyrim before trying to mod it in though. Would you destroy game balance just for the sake of having "Attributes"?
I will wait and see, but I am 99% certain this will adversly impact my ability to role play. when it comes out and if I am wrong and I can actually enjoy the game like I enjoyed the previous games, I swear on what little reputation I have that I will start I thread that I was wrong.
none of you have to agree with me, but you don't have to be rude or put me down.