I wouldn't get Silgrad's Tower that is mentioned on that site for your first playthrough, if you took it.
But if you want a landmass add-on on your first playthrough, most people and me will recommend http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=7040. Map 1 has quests. Lots of miscellaneous quests, and quests for all the factions. Map 2 does not yet have quests but it has interesting places to explore like the dwemer ruin of Kemel-ze.
The project is still being worked on and intends to add the full province of Morrowind to the game, filled with details and lots of quests.
Other good quest mods are
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=732 (Good for any type of character)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1777 (Especially good for thieves/assassins/evil characters)
And if you decide to create a mage character and join House Telvanni the possibilities are endless.
http://roadhunter.com/~stuporstar/index.html (Expands the Stronghold you build during the questline in Great House Telvanni, and adds all sorts of new quests and features)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4449 (A whole quest line following your promotion to Archmagister of House Telvanni)
http://www.lgnpc.org/ (The Tel Uvirith release specifically for Telvanni additions, but all the LGNPC mods add new quests and dialogue)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=127 (quest mod concerning a magic faction controlling the weather. Not Telvanni related, but for mages in general)