Good Video Game Series Ending...

Post » Sat May 17, 2014 11:13 pm

So... Everything that has a beginning, has an ending, yes? Anyways, which video game series you think had a good ending to the series OR think would've had a good ending, if it wasn't for outside sources wanting it to continue? (Note: Official-wise. Not fan content wise).

I can name one series that had a good ending... Rock Band. The last song DLC that Harmonix officially did for Rock Band 3 (And Blitz) was awhile back last year in April, I do believe... The song they pick? American Pie by Don McLean... A great song and I think was an awesome choice to finally wrap things up and now Harmonix is continuing on other projects.

{Though should note the fanbase is still creating content for the game and AT LEAST every friday, we release something for RB3}.

Something that would've been an awesome ending to a series, but isn't (Cause of companies like Microsoft wanting to milk it for every single dollar it can get), was Halo Reach... If 343 never took control and created Halo 4, Reach would've been the big bang ending for the Halo series and that is all that was needed... However, that did not happen and now have H4, with H5+H6 coming in later years...

And there are more but I don't want to name all... So any you like and/or can think of?

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:30 am

The Baldur's Gate series ended pretty well with Throne of Bhaal. Overall it was a good expansion and wrapped everything up well with a solid climix (edit: teehee), so the series ended on a high note.

I can't think of many series that have had good endings (as in a final ending) comparable to that, for varying reasons. That's about the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 10:35 pm

inFamous. The second game had two endings, both of which were written as conclusive. They leave no room for sequels, they change the world irreversibly, and both are incredibly dramatic and bittersweet at best. Unfortunately, now Sony's got to go and make a third game that retcons the effects on inFamous 2's good ending

Metal Gear Solid is another. If the fourth game had ended with Hal and Sunny looking at the sunset and the credits starts rolling, it would have been perfect. A poetic sendoff for the series that was equal parts sad and hopeful, where most every loose end was wrapped up in a satisfactory manner.

Then the credits get interrupted with a cut-back to the graveyard, Snake having not killed himself, and Big Boss suddenly shows up to deliver yet another hour-long monologue explaining everything that had already seemingly been covered in an awful ham-fisted way. The very nature of the whole story changes, the dramatic gut punch is taken away, attempts to make the ending "happier" only fail completely, and...I'm left just very frustrated.

And now there's another game coming out that's only going to further muck things up. :dry:

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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:17 am

Infinity Ward should have ended Call of Duty with Modern Warfare 3, or at least Infinity War d's version of the games.

Halo Reach was such a 'meh' game, would have been a last bad game. If anything 3 would have made the best ending. The series is slowly getting a 'Star Wars treatment' though. It won't go anywhere.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 7:23 pm

I strongly disagree with you actually... Halo Reach did a lot of 'fan servicing' with return of many popular maps (Blood Gultch, Hang 'Em High, Beaver Creek, Damnation, etc), return of health + health packs, removal of dual wielding (Surprising, it was hated more than loved. I was a hater of it too btw), Firefight, much more custom game works, etc...

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:59 am

My take on the MGS4 ending was "and everyone lived happily ever after... Except for Snake, who died 2 weeks later from AIDs..." (south park reference).

Though the fist fight between Snake and Ocelot at the end of the game was the most epic moment in all metal gear history, IMO.

I thought Chrono Trigger was a great ending for the series (im talking the MAIN ending where Magus is left travelling time trying to find Schala). Then when they made the abomination called Chrono Cross, i was severely disappointed in every aspect. The wrapping up of what happened to Schala was just lame and [censored], the world itself was NOTHING like the world in chrono trigger, the characters werent relatable or likeable in any way, and half of them were just stupid concepts for characters.

I thought Chrono Cross was a horrendous game, and the storyline crushed all my hopes and dreams of any chance of there being a real sequel to Chrono Trigger. In fact, i consider Chrono trigger to be the end of the story, and chrono cross just some [censored] alternate universe that was choppily added in with some weak attempt at "wrapping up" the storyline of chrono trigger.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:25 am

I'm looking forward to seeing how Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2 ends. I really hope it's longer then episode 1.

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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 11:36 pm

Mass Effect.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:03 am

I'm glad that force fed ending was added. I would of cried if everybody had a happy ending except Snake, the one man who sacrificed everything and endured the most hardships, just blowin' his brains out. Gee Snake, thanks for fixing everyone's problems, now go find a little corner to die at because we don't need you anymore. Talos forbid he doesn't get to enjoy that last cigarette that had eluded him throughout the entire game.

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KIng James
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:45 am

I think Bioshock 2's Minerva's Den was a great send-off for the Rapture series.

EDIT: I should also add that I felt that Fallout: NV was a fair send-off for the original Fallouts. I say this because it was made by the people who made the first two and used a lot of their ideas that were originally to be in Van Burden (their cancelled Fallout 3). I sort of saw it as them sending off the series they made. You know, before Beth really changes things up

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:21 am


Sly Cooper series, at the least the third, never played the fourth :(

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:35 am

Please for the Love of Odin tell me you're joking.

Anyways, I Think a good ending of a series was Bungie's Halo. When you realize that it was their last Halo, you tend to look at it in a different light. The gmae's ending takes on a different meaning entirely

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