I really want there giants toe and i am tired of flying in the air thanks to he giant's club glitch.
Ok so i killing it with bow and arrow, doesnt work, i summoned that flame thing spell, didnt work, and the giants are very fast.
any help?
I really want there giants toe and i am tired of flying in the air thanks to he giant's club glitch.
Ok so i killing it with bow and arrow, doesnt work, i summoned that flame thing spell, didnt work, and the giants are very fast.
any help?
Just run! If you can't kill it with your preferred weapon(s), then you're too weak at the moment. Try again later
No weaknesses that I know of.
If you are still a low level the best way would be with paralyze/lingering damage health poisons.
Frost magick can slow them down allowing you to stay away from them also.
Otherwise leave them alone and wait till you are stronger.
All magick,however the slow effect from frost still works.
Kinda on-topic, if something has magical resistance, will I get more XP because I'm hitting things more?
Depends how honorable you are. If you just want that darn toe, open up your console menu, click on the giant, and type in "kill", hit enter, voila! If you want to do it the real way, bow/fire spell: hit, turn and run, turn and hit, turn and run, turn and hit, turn and run ..............
And AWOLryan, that avatar just gave me cancer XD
Mastering the werewolf perks. With one sprinting attack, the giant we'll be dead before he realizes what happened.
I think you would end up getting less because it goes by how much damage you do not by how many times you hit something.
Yeah I forgot about that,even a rookie werewolf can easily kill giants,vampire lords do well also once you get the through ability.
Just sprint on them with your shield raised and knock them down. Then kill them before they'll get up.
I was in the 20's for level before I could take on a giant. I got tired of being volunteered for their "Space Program". And they are VERY insistent you take an active part, won't take no for an answer.
Go into a body of water, on my game giants are afraid of water
Sorry but it is not a glitch. The Giant's Power Attack is a unique Destruction spell. The spell is called crGiantClubSlam. It is intentional.
Just kite them with a Novice Destruction Spell like Frostbite, wear Robes that boost Magicka Regen. Slow efffects from Frost Enchants and Magic get overlooked too often.
If you have either an large rock or even better some open building like the alchemist shark or the entrance to many tombs and plenty of arrows both they and the mammoths are siting ducks. as they can not reach you.
Silent moons camp work nice here, kill the outdoor bandits, shoot on the giants an mammoths nearby and run to safety in the huts.
Pretty much this, find a rock or something near their camps and climb it, then snipe the poor bastards until they die. Only problem is the have a weird habit of running to the end of my draw distance and staring at me, occasionally sidestepping arrows
If you play a Bosmer there is nothing like having a Mammoth in your corner!
You can also turn the difficulty down to novice for your giant hunts. I have only 200 health and can take one hit from a giant with no armor. I put them down easy with a long bow and all archery perks taken. Between the bow's speed, Power Shot's stagger and Bullseye's paralysis they don't get a chance to put up much of a fight. Archery!
Using a bow and arrow does indeed work, and quite well for me, as that's the method that I use during the many bounty quests that involve slaying giants. The giants like to run away, just out of range, but will eventually walk back to where you can proceed shooting them again. Needless to say, killing them is easier once you become a more effective archer and don't need to use as many arrows. If you're a low level archer and are trying to kill a giant with iron arrows, it will take a while. Every giant camp that I've come across has some kind of "perch" where the giants can't hit you, and that's where you should shoot from.
Find Derkeethus, manage to give him some Explosive Arrows,
Have him send the Giants to the moon instead