You never say goodbye to an ES game.
You never say goodbye to an ES game.
Im still playing Morrowind for example, and I′ve been playing it from 10 years now.
I will keep playing skyrim! Mostly now that I cant move for two months
It's an on and off relationship with Skyrim and I. I love it, I'd never say a permanent goodbye to it
Well, I'm not done myself. Heck, I'm not even done with Morrowind or Oblivion. These type of games have seemly infinite playtime and play throughs. Same can be said for me with Fallout 3 and my 'not yet' adventure in New Vegas. I understand though, each game runs it course with people. Sad, they could of lured you back with a couple more DLC like expansions. I know they did it with Dragonborn with people. No new adventures causes people to put the game back in it's case. I guess that's okay for Bethesda, I mean, that was there choice now wasn't it. tweet is a valid reason for not stop playing Skyrim yet. It hasn't lost its charm.
I don't think I'll ever put Skyrim down permanently. Right now my journey is far from finished, but a moment will come when I decide it's time to move on to a new adventure - and it still won't be the end of Skyrim. I'll be coming back to it every now and then, just like I came back to Morrowind and Oblivion. Or rather only Oblivion, because I never really stopped playing Morrowind...
...or I could have just said this.
Same here along with Morrowind, Daggerfall and Fallout 3 and New Vegas. No matter how many times i play these games it always satisfies me emotionally. The randomness in a familiar world. The sense of realism of knowing the world like the back of my hand and instead of getting bored am feeling like am entering worlds that are my second home where i can have a ton of fun.
Had a lengthy game session of Morrowind the other day and i couldnt believe i was still finding new things in Vivec. Then theres the eerie coincidences like bowing before the statue of Vivec and putting down an offering of herbs then suddenly hearing thunder and seeing rain come down