Well I for one intend to play this game until TES 6, though a short break may be required for Fallout 4.
I keep coming back to Skyrim. I'm not discovering new things much anymore. It's now a familiar place I enjoy coming back to. It feels good to be in Skyrim.
Come back Eternal Darkness, Skyrim will not let you go!.
At least it won't let me, way too much to experience yet though one character is getting close to retirement perhaps.
I finished playing Skyrim over a year ago, and haven't touched it since. This was on console, and I faced so many bugs and annoyances that I got fed up by the game, plus I was disappointed by the game in general.
I'm contemplating getting the game for my computer now, though. We'll see.
I'll be playing Skyrim long after TES VI is out, just as I still play Oblivion long after TES V came out. If I love a game I can't imagine putting it away forever.
All the best and good luck at college. Hope to see you in TES VI.
The tale of my Battlemage is over, but I still load him up for gits and shiggles.
But the tale of my Dunmer potato farmer-secretly-assassin has only just begun.
But..there is A LOT MORE stuff shown on my siggy. You can play the game forever! Try wyrmstooth or interesting npc questline.
unless u r on consoles
So if you get an urge to play it, you're just not gonna ever play it again?
I don't ever put down a game "forever". There's always room for a good game again at some point in the future.
And as far as Elder Scrolls games go... I will never say "goodbye". Only "see ya later".
I am close to retiring my Second character and unlocking all trophies on Skyrim, but i don't think my Skyrim game will be untouched. It is a great game despite the bugs and glitches. Still got different races tht i would like to try and different perks and so on =) Like others, i will be playing Skyrim till VI comes out. Also planning to buy Skyrim on PC. But best of luck and cya later for TES VI lol.
Put Skyrim down after completing everything there was to do on Solstheim and the Dragonborn DLC. For those that will continue playing good for you, really , i just do not have the drive or inclination to do anything else with the game. And i still play Morrowind, oblivion fallout 3 and NV
just something... off about skyrim. Have no clue what it is, nor do i care...mm, maybe thats it. It has not pulled me in like many other titles over the years.
I have played through Skyrim so many times. I lost count at 27. I've played each of the races. Been a mage, melee fighter and an archer. Each time the playthroughs is a little different. (I'm 60 and semi retired... and yes, I have no life) Yes, it's buggy and locks up at the worst time, but I've come to expect that from Bethesda. I just save before I go through a door, fast travel, etc., no problem. Come on, I played Fallout-3. That was many times more buggy than Skyrim
No other game holds up like Skyrim. I've played the other "knock-offs" (Kingdom of Amalur, Dragon Age, etc) None of the other games svck me in like Skyrim. None of the other games let me "be" the player like Skyrim. With the other games I feel as though I'm playing their pre-made character. Skyrim throws little situations at you that test your character. You can help them, help them for a price, ignore them, kill them, rob them....etc. Be as good or evil as you like. Whoever figured out the story line (IMO) was a genius. Now, the person that programmed it needs a kick in the groin (bugs, broken quests, etc)
On a side note; I noticed that Beth is putting out a "legendary" version of the game. Does this mean that there's not going to be any more DLC's ?
That would make me sad I'm wondering if they're coming out with a TES-6. That would be cool
Bethesda is usually pretty tight-lipped about those sort of things.
I hope that Bethesda isn't waiting for the console's to catch up (PS4, XBox-720) I've heard some disturbing "features" with the new consoles. The "always-connected to the internet" is annoying. and the "no used games" as also a drag. Not to speak of the price. I do not intend to be an early adopter on that one. We'll have to wait and see.