Gore Level

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:52 am

They can do what they want with gore. As long as there is an option to turn it off.

ladies and gentlemen, we have found a solution to the gore issue, :bowdown:
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

ladies and gentlemen, we have found a solution to the gore issue, :bowdown:

Yeah that's been suggested from day one.

I've said it already in this thread but it warrants saying again. I want the gore to be realistic. The only time my enemies should bleed is when I connect with flesh. I hated it when i would slash an enemy across his plate armor and blood splatters. No more bleeding armor please.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:30 pm

See, the top part makes me a little bit mad. So, not wanting to see tons of gore is considered immature? (Like I said, I've played games that had blood/gore--Mass Effect 2, Borderlands, Bayonetta, even Resident Evil, etc.) I love how gore is awesome and realistic, but nudity is considered evil and naughty. *sigh*

I'm sorry if I sound rude.

I'm just a little upset because in the past throughout my life, my girl gamer friends and I have been told by gamers (usually male) that gore is realistically awesome and hardcoe and l33t and if us females don't like it, then we females (or even any males who also don't like gore) shouldn't play games in the first place, etc. *gets a headache thinking about it*

But, I appreciate that you would allow it to be an option. =)

Gears of War still had a bit of blood/gore spraying (but not huge pools of it, lol!) and dead, decaying bodies are still shown. =)
I'm not asking for NO blood or gore, though. If it's at Mass Effect 2/Uncharted/Call of Duty-level, I am fine.
Again, sorry if I sound too rude. =(

EDIT: I'm just going to walk away from this topic. It's a bit touchy and personal for me, lol.
I will go play Oblivion to keep my mind occupied instead. =D

I will say this calmly and clearly. One last time. Immaturity is not always used in scorn. This is one of those cases. Because you do not want to see realistic and believable gore and nudity you are mentally immature in that manner and cannot handle it. So as my suggestion said the default would be the kiddie immature version. If you haven't noticed I had posted a large post that was aimed directly at making the game more believable and your only comments on that have been so your calling me immature? in other words all defense mechanisms as if I am insulting you. I am not attacking your character. I am making a suggestion where everyone wins. There really is no argument to it. Just in case you were wondering. archaic : premature
a : lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development b : having the potential capacity to attain a definitive form or state : crude, unfinished

This is what i meant. It isn't a bad thing your not ready to see it. We are not trying to put you guys down. We just would like to have the option between say three setting the higher we go the less inhibited we are. It just feels so ridiculous that one of the three parties has to be punished because of one group so allow us all to win. This is America we are big on having our cake and eating it too. Nudity is nothing to be ashamed of either. This is a M rated game. Nudity does not mean six which would be those disgusting mods for fallout. It has a lot to do with realism for me. The fact that all the men and women are completely hairless from the waste down with painted on underwear that isn't even really there raises many questions. Do you think a child would be more confused when he looks at his doll that just has the flat area and looks back at himself and realizes he is different? It wouldn't really be anything new seeing as it is already in movies we go to as 17 and up year olds. I feel like I could personally and maturely handle the 3rd level I have suggested without feeling bashful or like the game has gone to far. It has been 10 years and you modest prude or younger kids who buy it have had your way every new game. This time let everyone win. Stop complaing, it's not like we would force you to use level 2 or 3 gore.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 pm

We need more blood than Oblivion, I mean it felt as if when I hit them with a sword they did not even get as much as a nose bleed. The gore however does not need to be insane like it was in Fallout, we need a believable amount of blood matching the power of our blows arrow wounds and so on: I would not really like to see a "bloody mess" in Skyrim lets keep that over the top insanity reserved for Fallout as it matches that world perfectly.

Totally agree, a balance. More mature, without being over the top. Honestly I don't feel as we have anything to worry about in that area. There's reaaly no option lke this in the poll, so I didn't vote.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:40 pm

Because you do not want to see realistic and believable gore and nudity you are mentally immature in that manner and cannot handle it.

I'm really not convinced by that at all, at least the gore part anyway, maybe you have a point that I just can't see. Part of me thinks that having a distaste for realistic gore is in fact more mature behaviour and the desire to see realistic injuries is 'adolescent' behaviour (for want of a better term).
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:57 pm

I'm really not convinced by that at all, at least the gore part anyway, maybe you have a point that I just can't see. Part of me thinks that having a distaste for realistic gore is in fact more mature behavior and the desire to see realistic injuries is 'adolescent' behavior (for want of a better term).

I had to read this a couple of times to get what you were saying. Yes that was my point that you just can't see it. Many of us want realistic experience where all the weapons hit with what is close to the real world as possible so we are fooled that what were doing isn't really a game. This is role players. Then you have people who play say gears of war and fallout who love over the top gore and have essentially been decentitized to it all because they have had massive exposer to it by the media and movies. Then you have a very small group that craps there pants and goes on fox talking about how un healthy video games are and basically ruin it for everyone which makes us the community make the content our selves with mods. Finally you have the 4th group, you are like us before we saw all this gore and played games like dead space, gears of war and mass effect two and world at war ect. Your views can be attributed to your parents who likely feel this way even about oblivion and other games of that nature.

So if you go to page 7 and read what I said you will see if we just make a suggestion that appeals to all parties except the crap your pants fox team everyone wins. I think games should completely ignore the media if it gets into that. It has already been scientifically proven that recreation gaming is harmless. But thats another thread and another topic.

Can you find anything wrong with giving 3 options with the default option being the lowest level of gore possible and quest item underwear so you couldn't drop it. The second option being similar but with realistic weapon effects and magic. The third meant for people who can actually buy m rated games and would want to see the highest level of ralism possible where if you drop everything your wearing your naked. People in game would acknowledge that you are laugh at you ect.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:49 pm

Like Oblivion, only more blood splatter. And maybe some customized cuts and scars.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 am

same as oblivion. i think its really dumb to have a bunch of gore. its cartoonish and people try to use it as a selling point. let the gameply not the gore be the judging point.plus it wuld not feel like elder scrolls if that happened. i mean really. it wuldnt. elder scrolls game have alwasy had low gore.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:40 am

A hybrid between Oblivion and Fallout 3. Don't have it to much gore like Fallout 3 did but have some form of blood loss.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 pm

same as oblivion. i think its really dumb to have a bunch of gore. its cartoonish and people try to use it as a selling point. let the gameply not the gore be the judging point.plus it wuld not feel like elder scrolls if that happened. i mean really. it wuldnt. elder scrolls game have alwasy had low gore.

Have they? Have you played the elder scrolls 1 - 4? I think you would be shocked. Nothing wrong with realistic gore effects.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:58 am

I think there will be gore, just not on the level of Fallout 3/New Vegas.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 am

Hello Kitty adventure please.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 am

This is a game in which you hit people in the face with axes, and just imagine what a fireball spell would really do to your enemies skin and lungs. There has to be some amount of blood and gore depicted, surely, just don't put in a bloody mess perk.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 pm

Part of me thinks that having a distaste for realistic gore is in fact more mature behaviour and the desire to see realistic injuries is 'adolescent' behaviour (for want of a better term).

Wait, an aversion to the reality of combat is what you consider mature? I'm not saying I completely agree with Christopher's assertions, either; I don't think one's sensitivity to violence is an issue of maturity. But to suggest that those who aren't particularly squeamish are less mature, or exhibiting 'adolescent' behavior, is absurd. There's nothing wrong with the desire for realism in games. If one had to chose which viewpoint was more "mature", it would undoubtedly be the one that embraces realism, not the one that shies away from it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:20 pm

Wait, an aversion to the reality of combat is what you consider mature? I'm not saying I completely agree with Christopher's assertions, either; I don't think one's sensitivity to violence is an issue of maturity. But to suggest that those who aren't particularly squeamish are less mature, or exhibiting 'adolescent' behavior, is absurd. There's nothing wrong with the desire for realism in games. If one had to chose which viewpoint was more "mature", it would undoubtedly be the one that embraces realism, not the one that shies away from it.

Dude you fail. . . Go back a page and read the comments in there entirety then develop an oppion. I have no problem with realism in fact I am one of it's biggest advocates and there are three definitions for immaturity. god some people.
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michael danso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

Dude you fail. . . Go back a page and read the comments in there entirety then develop an oppion. I have no problem with realism in fact I am one of it's biggest advocates and there are three definitions for immaturity. god some people.

Right on, specially when people play a game to escape reality.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:23 pm

This is a game in which you hit people in the face with axes, and just imagine what a fireball spell would really do to your enemies skin and lungs. There has to be some amount of blood and gore depicted, surely, just don't put in a bloody mess perk.

Agreed, combat should be brutal and unrelenting just not brimming with blood such as Fallout was. If dome realistically with realistic limb damage and blood and severing as finishing moves it would be great and well implemented.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 pm

Agreed, combat should be brutal and unrelenting just not brimming with blood sush as Fallout was. If dome realistically with realistic limb damage and blood and severing as finishing moves it would be great and well implemented.

most reasonable pro-violence post I've seen so far. Props. (still disagree though)
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:35 pm

Wait, an aversion to the reality of combat is what you consider mature? I'm not saying I completely agree with Christopher's assertions, either; I don't think one's sensitivity to violence is an issue of maturity. But to suggest that those who aren't particularly squeamish are less mature, or exhibiting 'adolescent' behavior, is absurd. There's nothing wrong with the desire for realism in games. If one had to chose which viewpoint was more "mature", it would undoubtedly be the one that embraces realism, not the one that shies away from it.

You're reading too much into my post, it was just something bouncing around in my head after reading pages and pages of discussion on the topic of gore in the game. Anyway it's not something that particularly bothers me, I certainly admit to not understanding the desire for it in the game but then again it's the mechanics of the combat damage that are far more important to me the the graphical representation of it.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 am

You're reading too much into my post, it was just something bouncing around in my head after reading pages and pages of discussion on the topic of gore in the game. Anyway it's not something that particularly bothers me, I certainly admit to not understanding the desire for it in the game but then again it's the mechanics of the combat damage that are far more important to me the the graphical representation of it.

right on.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:09 pm

Right on, specially when people play a game to escape reality.

Don't try and make this a personal thing, if you start flaming people I will report you. The mods on here do not slack on that. This is a rpg if you don't like rpg's, people suggesting realism for them, or maybe you cannot handle criticism or what ever may be your problem take a step away from the computer.

At any rate if you want to show how someone is wrong you shouldn't try an insult them it only makes you look bad. Now there is nothing wrong with pointing out in an arrogant way how people are clearly wrong. (arrogant otherwise known as confidence :lol:)

Besides from what I have seen on here you bring a little too much politics into your oppions of video games. Little like Jack Johnson that nut case who tried to get people to quit playing.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:49 pm

Agreed, combat should be brutal and unrelenting just not brimming with blood such as Fallout was. If dome realistically with realistic limb damage and blood and severing as finishing moves it would be great and well implemented.

^This definitely. Realistic combat, brutal and unforgiving. Normally I would be pessimistic about this type of thing, but I actually think Todd Howard is pushing the combat in this direction. It's the feeling I get after reading the Game Informer article multiple times.
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louise fortin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:44 am

most reasonable pro-violence post I've seen so far. Props. (still disagree though)

Disagree with the violence or what? You gave me props for the pro-violence dont relly understand what you disagree with?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:56 pm

Disagree with the violence or what? You gave me props for the pro-violence dont relly understand what you disagree with?

I think this is a younger kid using someone's account. He keeps spaming the forum. If you just look at some of his post it becomes obvious of his intentions.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 pm

I think this is a younger kid using someone's account. He keeps spaming the forum. If you just look at some of his post it becomes obvious of his intentions.

Hmmm I see, I've not seen a whole lot from this person, so I make no assuptions.
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