I think some people are going a little extreme with the gore lol. Oblivion's gore level was low, imo. I mean the gore in fights, not the scenic gore, that was pretty good.
I'm not sure about dismemberment, I would personally like it, as long as Beth doesn't got extreme. Most people you fight have armor on, and I just can't imagine slicing somebody's arm off if their wearing Steel plate armor. However... The guys in the robes

well, I would like to see some heads rolling in their direction.
But mostly, I want blood spills. If somebody has no armor, and I cut them across the gut... I would expect a nice little pool to spill out of them. And maybe keep on dripping off of them. If they have armor, it would depend on the condition of the armor, the type, and all that lovely stuff. If the condition is low, and it's leather armor, it would be pretty easy to slice through, I would imagine.
Then of course we would have to add in the gore for the blunt weapons! I'm imagining cracking sounds, you know, like their bones, obviously this wouldn't happen every fight, or every hit, but the occasional *CRACK* would be nice to hear. I can't imagine a warhammer causing a lot of blood spilling, but internally it would be nasty, and of course, if they decide to go extremely gorey and detailed, a crippled hand, or busted open ribs, or head.