I feel sad that people want gore. It doesn't make you "mature". Why do you want it to be more realistic when you kill someone? Do you actually want to feel more like you're killing someone in real life?
/M'aiq quote:
Sick, sick people. Very sad.
/end M'aiq quote.
Edit: Also, I'm EXTREMELY against nudity. I mean, if I had to choose between nudity/sixuality in Skyrim or "realistic" gore, I would choose the gore.
I want realism to some extent, sure. Why? because it breaks the illusion when you kill someone in the most barbaric fassion and not a simple drop of blood is visible. That doesn't mean i want to see my enemy's head explode when i shoot him with an arrow but i can't take a game seriously which deals with this kind of things but don't have the guts to show something worse than you could find in a saturday morning cartoon. Try Saints Row if you want an example. The game was never meant for children so why is there no blood?
Don't get me wrong, i am not a fan of unnecessary gore. I don't understand the purpose with movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's not creepy, just disgusting.
But there is a limit to how child friendly you can make a game, movie or book and still be taking deeply serious. Oblivion didn't cross that line but i would definitely have preferred more gore, not necessarily Fallout 3 gore but still. On the other hand a game can also have plenty of gore but at the same time be so ridiculous over the top that i can't take it seriously anyway, Dragon Age II is an example of that.
You think people want gore because they think it makes them mature? :lmao:
And then you say nudity is even worse than realistic gore, which you obviously hate? Seriously? If you ask me you are the one with a skewed world view. :laugh: