I remember I was so use to the Magika Regeneration that when I tried an Atronach, I HATED it. After a while I tried it one more time, and it was great since it actually felt like playing a new game of Oblivon after playing if for 200+ hours.
So I am curious now after not playing for over a year, when I create a new character, should I choose the Atronach sign or not. I would like to hear your opnions about them, and how much fun you had or how much you hated it.
*edit* The reason I use to play with renewable magika is mostly to cast Restore Health all the time and Feather Spells so I can carry lots of loot. This is why I mostly don't use the Atronach sign.
Since I haven't played in ages, I forget alot, so that is why I am asking if I should take or not. So if I do take the Atronach sign, what would be the best way to cast healing and feather spells? Some times, I would have like 300 in Feather spells. Maybe playing alot of Fallout 3 and New Vegas in the last few years maybe carrying 500 loot will not mean so much for me now, but I am afraid once I start I will get upset again. Is there another way to cast different types of Feather Spells, and healling spells?
So again, I ask for your opnions again.