So you have the game installed. V
All patches installed. V
Turn off or uninstall all your youtube tricks (or whatever you have done) I want a clean skyrim installation !!!!!
Download CCleaner and clean your registry. (
If you have mods (trough NMM or not - disable all of them) !!!!!!!!
First go to your Nvidia control panel and click on manage 3D settings on the left side.
on the right side press restore (that's with the Nvidia logo button)
After that put Vsync=on (change only that)
Now go to your Skyrim -> Options (uncheck the Show all resolutions) and try those resolutions from Resolution drop down menu)
Leave AA and AF off
Advanced set all details to high and close and ok.
Make a new character and try your game....
If it works: (do a BOSS load order and clean your mods or game updates with Tes5edit if you have dirty edits) - that's only if you have mods !!!!
and want to use them