Duel wield those Ban Hammers, it will help cut down dealing with the 1000+ new accounts popping up every hour
Duel wield those Ban Hammers, it will help cut down dealing with the 1000+ new accounts popping up every hour
For those who are thinking of breaking NDA, there is an army of both players and ZOS workers waiting for YOU!
We are out for BLOOD!
We got our pitchforks, ban hammers, hanging rope and barn fires ready!
yeah, lets just say there were some idiots on facebook and twitter who learned the hard way not to break NDA.
Way would any one want to post here after they got invited to the beta? They will have the closed beta forum to spam now.
Does the mod with the most posts get to ban people with Volendrung?
Most do not seem to read the email beyond "you were invited to Beta" and so come here to ask questions about the game and then do not relize there IS a beta forums. Then many do not seem to realize there even is an NDA since they just clicked "yes" and " I agree" without ever even taking a glimpse at it.
Don't forget the fact they miss the word "beta" and assume this is just a free game they are getting.
No seriously, I am not trying to be an ass. There are people that treat stuff like this as some lottery for a free game demo. It was just like this when the Dawnguard beta went live.
Just got mine too! I can barely believe it. When I applied, I had no idea that they would choose me.
I wish they would post when the beta will be; it will probably be soon.
We are supposed to give feedback; how will this happen? Will we receive forms to fill in via email? I'm sorry, I'm completely new to this kind of things.
look in the email and the beta forums. and you are supposed to ask this on the beta forums.
There will be a closed beta forum where you can write your opinions on allot of different things. Then they might have a system where you can rate different quests and what not in game.
Ah yes, the beta forum! My apologies, I feel... hazy.
Indeed so
The timing could have been better (screw you education!), but I'm thrilled nonetheless!
It came to mind...
Don't earn a banhammer players, keep your traps shut!
I created my beta account but when I click the 'redeem key' it says "You are not allowed to redeem this code"
Are you sure you entered the code correctly?
We not allow to talk here:
This site is your friend:
Today is January the Seventh, 2058b, the day that another beta wave for the Elder Scrolls Online was sent.
One soul wasn't able to redeem his key correctly, and posted it on the forums.
And so the tale of the NDA bans began...
sorry forgot
I copied and pasted it, so yes
fit u sayin bluv!!!