they have probably been brought up quite a bit but if we bring it up hopefully the devs will patch it, there are some minor problems.
- so this graphic stuff people have been talking about with textures not loading, i dont really notice it while playing but i can see what they mean in cut scenes =\ doesnt bother me though
- online versus is very laggy if you have more than 3 - 4 people, co op challenges and campaign seem to be fine, this needs to be patched soon

- you need to have an option to remove bots from online versus, it makes it feel so cluttered and chaotic because they run around in open spamming grenades and constantly shooting rather than helping, i like to know im only playing humans
- challenge mode is actually pretty cool and you should convert those maps into mini versus games 4v4, though i am struggling like mad on the first challenge in co op. it says we have 3 bots on our team but we dont =\
- a pre lobby for parties would be a good idea though i just invite during load screen to successfully meet up with my friends in game
to me honestly, this should have been tested a bit more and there could have been a few less bugs. when i played brink last year it felt awsome playing 8v8 knowing they were all people and not bots, the game played so much better. Bots make the game feel cheap =\ BUT even with these problems that in my opinion can easily be patched in week or so. It is a fun game!
anyway im off back to getting my ass kicked in challenge mode, apparently its easier to play solo ^.^