are there some other ways i can make the game run better by messing with some of the files?
are there some other ways i can make the game run better by messing with some of the files?
Lowering your resolution is going to be your biggest help.
didnt even think about that i just did resolution from the game menu. that helped out A LOT. it looks like crap but it's at playbale frame rate at least
Runs great on a console, which is supposed to be old tech opposed to PC's.
Sounds like you are running this on a pretty old machine.
Console tech is a bit outdated as compared to the top end PC, but every PC is different. I can run Skyrim on very high settings with mods, but can only run FO4 on the lowest
Lower the godrays, shadow quality and shadow distance by one notch each until you get playable framerates. I have a high-end PC that can't cope with FO4 while other similar high-end PCs with almost the same specs have no trouble at all. It's not your PC that's the problem. Even Angry Joe with his susbsidised mega hardware says that the poor FPS in FO4 is "unacceptable." All anyone can do is offer a firm squeeze on your shoulder and say "I know, man. I know."
Depending on your graphics card and you knowledge, you may want to look into manually setting your tessellation? I have no idea what that is or what is does, but as I understand it (from the forums I've seen), it is defaulted at a high value... so you can turn it down and up your frame rate. Much like yourself, I could run it, but at the expense of really crappy graphics. I just gave in and got it on console... I was never a big mod user which is the only thing PC has going in it's favor these days.
Ah well, good luck buddy.
Does anyone else have no issues at all?
I'm not even playing on a gaming PC, I'm playing on a high end gaming laptop and I have all the highest settings with a constant minimum of at least 50 FPS (usually 60).
You can play with a few values in the ini files that might give you better performance.. just make sure you back up your files. Just skimming over Fallout4.ini & Fallout4Prefs.ini I noted a few things that stood out.
Disclaimer: I havn't tested these settings just eye-ball'n the files. Modify at your own risk.. and let me state again: Backup your files before changing things.
In Fallout4.ini
In Fallout4Prefs.ini
You could try reducing some of these load distances further than what the bars let you, though the lower you put these the more things will appear to "pop" into existence as you roam.
Similar to Terrain Manager