With normal clinics it makes magick more valued, thus making it more interesting IMO.
For example when I make a non-wizard I usually want to be able to rely on non-magick, which makes it a bit humiliating to have to go to a priest, I'd find it more interesting to be able to make and use bandages to maybe not heal the wound instantly or being able to heal really grave wounds, but at least to exist and be somewhat effective.
If I could choose I would want magick in TES to be a lot more rare, mystic and harder to use than it is now. I love that they've made it a lot cooler and more fun to use in Skyrim than it was in Oblivion, but it's still very easy to learn and use, and impossible to miss out on.
IMO it makes it more interesting and more of an achievement to be able to shoot fireballs if it's harder to do than just go to the nearest village and ask one of the copious amounts of wizards to teach it to you, for the cost of 10 bread loafs.
But then again, now there's shouts to play around with, and it couldnt be more privileged.