OK, note to self. The quality of the info and suggestions in a thread's body is directly disproportionate to the claims made as to the quality in the thread's title.
It would be interesting if you could help restore a village or something similar. In Oblivion you could help some people and they would slowly rebuild their village. I found it fun to come back every week and see how they had progressed with the building.
Hmm. I'm not sure if you can actually "make" snow in Minecraft. But, yeah, that would be cool. Although I guess no one knows exactly what Skyrim will look like yet.
In all seriousity though, would anyone like to see building or something like that in an Elder Scrolls game? Building, mining, anything like that? I certainly would at least like to see some more crafting. Like, actually smithing weapons and stuff, like in Gothic or whatever.