I did have a dream about Skyrim last night. I don't remember much about the dream other than a feeling of excitement, though. It wasn't my first Skyrim-related dream.
Hang on, is this the same guy who painfully regurgitates notions of some pseudo-dithyrambic phallic songs in his thread, the oldest comedy trick in the book going back as far as ancient Greece really....
dreamed i was an assassin ( my favourite arch type ) and i was sneaking around with a wakazashi underhanded taking out guards in some kind of old fort. then i was spotted and 3 guards came after me. i laughed like a maniac threw my hand out and a blinding flash came from it. i then took them out brutally but quickly. and i was walking up some steps to where i thought i might find their leader when i woke up.
Well, in a particularly bizzare dream involving my girl friend, some cats, and a car that was self aware... i was in the trailer at some point for some reason :shrug:
It's sad really. I can't say I've had any dreams of Skyrim yet, but every so often I'll have strange, nonsensical, vague and maddening dreams about these forums...SICK, I know. :wacko:
Meh, he is one of those people who thinks he is superior to people that are dedicated to games and thinks somehow we can't have a life if we are hardcoe gamers.
Unfortunately I haven't had a dream of Skyrim :frown: I rarely have dreams and usually the only time I get them is after actually getting a game and then I play it for hours upon hours and it bleeds into my sleep as my mind processes my day. Can't wait til Skyrim, I can play it all day while I'm awake (Stacey will be playing it also at the same time in the other room bwahahaha) and also when I'm asleep :tongue:
I can't say that I do have any dreams about Skyrim. Not hat I remember, anyways. I just don't do enough with it right now. Instead, I dream about NV and my NV related projects.