» Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:10 pm
I could take the texture issue, I could take not being able to do some of the quests, even though not being able to do the thieves guild really pissed me off, or the couple of broken daedric quests. But you know with epic massive open games like TES games are a few glitches are expected. But seriously, Beth have done nothing right for from the start, I've been pushed over the edge and this is ridiculous, this new patch has done it for me. I'll be shelving Skyrim for a month and playing Halo Anniversary and LOTR War in the North, at least that works, hell they pushed it back twice but you know what, it doesnt matter cus it works perfect when i got my hands on it. FFS Beth, so disappointed.
I know you work hard, I know your games are never perfect upon release, its expected and we as the players get that, but this is way too far, it feels as though you barely even ested the thing, you were too busy rushing to get the stupid 11/11/11 release date because it sounded cool, you have barely had any had any communication since the game went "gold" (if you call it that) and now the long awaited second patch doesn't even fix the texture issue, but it not only brings a major (and very major) problem that is SO obvious that the smallest bit of testing would have picked it up. WTF.
Definitely will not be playing skyrim until the new year, maybe then it will work properly, or at least well enough so I won't have to cringe when I see a grey chunk meant to be a rock, or cry when my game crashes because of the broken main quest, or thieves quest. Or guards attacking me for no reason because of other silly minor broken side quests.
I'll still buy future TES games, and I'll still enjoy skyrim and I'll play it in the future when you (eventually) get the patches out to fix the issues, so you haven;t lost a customer, what you have lost is a [censored] load of respect though. Good job.
rant end.