» Fri May 04, 2012 2:26 am
I am in absolutely the same boat. The heightmap bug is now sorted and I can get a full LOD Mesogea into Skyrim, but the lack of a max/blender exporter is hamstringing me. I have so many models to transfer into Skyrim that to do it now with the current exporters is beyond the pale. I am going to give a few basic ones a try, but there's also a lot of third party mods amalgamated into Mesogea (with permissions/credits of course) that to try to get those across would be a nightmare, even tracing some of the original mod-makers. Also the environments are awful, pines or pines, or some more pines. Not much of a jungle or desert then.
Having invested money and time into a third party map making kit has really helped though. I want to port that map into my Oblivion Mesogea which will mean a few months of re-jigging the whole thing, but thats good because I can now clean up the files and folders and make it easier to mod.
I will continue with Skyrim, but slowly owing to limited ability and third party tool capability.