» Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:41 pm
Personally? Since it's apparent the Mojave is nuked, and assuming that Ulysses has been keeping up with the Courier's exploits. My guess is a chance at redemption, in Ulysses' eyes anyway. Kind of like a "You can be the cure... or the sickness." kind of deal. My guess is that Ulysses sees that humanity is heading down the road it headed down previously, which almost made the human race as a whole exctinct, and sees the heads at the flags of the boar and bull; Kimball and Ceaser, as a tumor (pun intended) or sickness, that is plaguing the land, and entends to cure said sickness with a sterlizing flame; aka nuclear bomb. Though, weither or not he sees hous in this same light, remains to be seen. To me though, I think it's evident, just from the way he tells you to bring whatever flag you carry, that he views at least the NCR and Legion as a sickness that needs to be purged from the system so that humanity can get back on the right track.
That being said, I think that what ties in with the whole changing the Mojave and the nukes. You can either agree with Ulysses, take his message to heart, and purge the system, so to speak, of all pathogens/sickness/disease/what-have-you that is the NCR and Legion, or you can fight Ulysses for all of of humanity, when it's at it's best, and worst, and chose to nuke completely remote, and uninhabited areas, thereby effectively saying "We're human, we make mistakes. What seperates us from the rest of the world is that we learn from them, but this is not how we do it.".
That's my two cents on the whole matter.