» Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:41 pm
That is deflating. After seeing the Preston fix in the patch notes I am crestfallen to hear (and upon loading my game, see for myself) it's not retroactive.
I'm 14 days of playtime (336 hrs or so) in and the castle assault happened on day 4, nevermind the fact I had to delete those saves because the game ran out of room (happened about 12 days in for anyone soon approaching it).
I haven't done anything in the Quincy area because I had high ideals of bringing the cleansing fire with a Minuteman at my side.
I hear tell there is a simple PC console code that solves this but no such love for the Xbox.
Please Bathesda, you are our only hope. We can't be the only ones. There must be more out there and we need your help.
Let the Minutemen retake Quincy.
Whew. Got a little thick in here for a moment. Sorry for the melodrama, I tend to rant. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.