I am new on this forums,and i got some questions annoying my mind,i would appreciate if someone could answer them,thanks!
1 - Where can i post my suggestion to bethesda maybe make an better fallout in future? Will bethesda listen to my ideas later?Or i will be only spending my time with my suggestions/ideas for nothing?
2 - Is fallout new vegas considered as '4' or just an different edition?Because the history from 1 - 2 - 3 is lined,but new vegas has much different history,would be good fallout 4 with lined history,as the 1 , 2 and 3.
3 - Is Bethesda and Obsidian working in a new fallout?When they think what the game is probaly gonna launch?
4 - Will be possible to have an Fallout Multplayer?Or already exists?Wich one?
Thanks for the patience on reading my questions and maybe answer them back,where i can ask for help if i have question about the game?I still dont finished New Vegas,i wich what it takes longer than Fallout 3

( I am sorry if you dont understand some words,i am not american,my main language is portuguese (BR/Brasil)