In fact, I feel like I have lost interest altogether.
I don't know what it was that did it. I know some posters around here have suggested that Skyrim is a little shallow, and I agree. I certainly didn't have this problem with Fallout: New Vegas, which just seemed more exciting and better realised. (In fact, in just about every respect, Skyrim seems to suffer by comparison to NV, or Fallout 3 for that matter.) Having said that, I could just be tired of slogging around the massive game world or of blasting away draugrs in similar-looking dungeons or slicing bandits and mercenaries to bits. I am really not sure what it is, though, I must admit I did have a similar problem with Oblivion, which suggests I like at least a bit of linearity and plot to guide my playing.
In any event, I don't mean for this post to become a Skyrim-bashing exercise. We are where we are, and it would be a shame to bid farewell to such a prettily-rendered fantasy world. So, does anyone here have some tips on how I can get my Skyrim mojo back?