Got the Skyrim blues ...

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:18 pm

So I have been playing around in the massive, beautiful sandbox of Skyrim for a while now. I have progressed through some of the main plot, done the reunification quest for the Imperials and am ploughting through the College questline. I have also done a bit of exploring, dungeon crawling, killing and dying; the usual stuff. But I seem to have run aground.

In fact, I feel like I have lost interest altogether.

I don't know what it was that did it. I know some posters around here have suggested that Skyrim is a little shallow, and I agree. I certainly didn't have this problem with Fallout: New Vegas, which just seemed more exciting and better realised. (In fact, in just about every respect, Skyrim seems to suffer by comparison to NV, or Fallout 3 for that matter.) Having said that, I could just be tired of slogging around the massive game world or of blasting away draugrs in similar-looking dungeons or slicing bandits and mercenaries to bits. I am really not sure what it is, though, I must admit I did have a similar problem with Oblivion, which suggests I like at least a bit of linearity and plot to guide my playing.

In any event, I don't mean for this post to become a Skyrim-bashing exercise. We are where we are, and it would be a shame to bid farewell to such a prettily-rendered fantasy world. So, does anyone here have some tips on how I can get my Skyrim mojo back?
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:07 am

Use mods.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:15 pm

Maybe you just like guns better? I really like NV as well.
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KU Fint
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:05 pm

you could try playing the game in a different way, try getting all the shouts, or play an alchemy and axe only character for instance. create a unique backstory, like he was an orphan who was raised by bears and became as hardened as any nord, even though he's an elf. he refuses to do magic despite innate talent, because it goes against his principles, his only companion is a wolf named Toby, and every imperial who gives him a dirty stare, he punches in the face :P
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:07 pm

I've had some of the same problems as you have. And I tend to blame that on the move to VA instead of text dialog. In Morrowind (and I'm sure every single new TES game will be compared to Morrowind in some way or another!) you had so much information. From everyone. And it was great. With Skryim, you get... Maybe a couple sentences?

Another thing that contributes to the "shallowness" of Skryim is the lack of options. In your interactions with people, you get to say one thing in response, two things tops. And sometimes those things weren't something your character would say. The Daedric quests especially. You have two response choices and those are: fall to your knees in worship to the Daedra in question, or become enraged and absolutely refuse to have anything to do with him/her. Your inability to reform riften was one that ruined immersion for me.

It doesn't feel vast after a while, and that's because you realise that there's no way to interact with it, or change things.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:44 pm

I am the same way.....almost.....

For me it is the fact our choices have no bearing in game...its the same drab game from start to finish.....the only NPCs who seem to have different banters are the guards....and some such changed dialog diffuse to other NPCs....

not to mention nay new banter cannot be heard most of the time because at that exact moment another NPC sneaks up behind you...and yells their generic banter to drown out what you WANTED to hear....

is skyrim awesome YES....but it is also a major letdown as well..... :banghead:

and I don't think the lazy idiots at Bethesda are going to improve this game over much.....the next title from them i am going to pirate before i buy.....i promise.... :mohawk:
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:11 am

Hmmm...I have the opposite problem. I liked F:NV but I got sort of bored after a while. I've already put considerably more hours into Skyrim in the past month than I've put into NV in the past year.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:10 pm

Maybe you just don't connect to fantasy?
I for one didn't connect to the world of NV or Fallout 3 as well as I did to the world of the Elder Scrolls.
It's just personal preference man. don't force yourself to like it cuz that'll get you nowhere. Just play another game for a while and come back and see if it clicks for you.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:10 pm

Ive heard it for years but What exactly is sandbox? Just a open world map?

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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:28 am

Thats why I tend to play two games at once, switching between them when one gets tired.Deus EX and Skyrim are a good balance for me atm.

Sounds to me like you just need to take a break for a while.

Either that or wait on mods.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:43 am

Ive heard it for years but What exactly is sandbox? Just a open world map?


You create your own story, like a castle in the sand, you choose where to go, what to do and in what order.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:48 am

Take a break, come back in a couple days. I know I am breaking briefly, 160ish hrs is keeling my brain.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:09 pm

It's unfair to compare it to FNV. Whoever has played both games knows that NV is 10 times the rpg Skyrim is.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:26 pm

This will tide me over untill Mass Effect 3 and the new Ninja Gaiden. Graphically it's great but other than that it hasn't lived up to the hype , and i really don't like the perk system that much, maybe i'm playing the wrong type of character i may have to reroll again. Pure mage isn't as fun as i thought it would be. Maybe i need to go Battle Mage it seems that is what this game was made for. I feel underpowered somewhat as a pure mage.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:23 pm

Use mods.

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phil walsh
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:42 am

Honestly? I would VERY happily trade voices for a good story. Again, Honestly? I actually put BETTER voices to the characters if they DON'T have a voice than if they do.

That would be an epic mod, for me: Expand the questlines vastly, remove most of the dialogue. Without voices, it could all be done comparatively easily, and the game would become SO much better because of it.

Of course, voices would be nice too. But they're not NECESSARY. A good game is.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:35 pm

Honestly? I would VERY happily trade voices for a good story. Again, Honestly? I actually put BETTER voices to the characters if they DON'T have a voice than if they do.

That would be an epic mod, for me: Expand the questlines vastly, remove most of the dialogue. Without voices, it could all be done comparatively easily, and the game would become SO much better because of it.

Of course, voices would be nice too. But they're not NECESSARY. A good game is.

THIS!!!.....take notes you lazy Bethesda bums.... :facepalm:
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