I get a few lag spikes when people Join/Leave, but other then that... not the horribad rubberbanding all over the place...

But there ARE a couple things going nutso over on my end... and I want to see if anyone else notice these as well:
For some reason now, everytime I try and throw a Caltrop/Sticky Bomb/Molotov/Flashbang, it will appear in my HUD as me throwing a "Regular" Frag Grenade. Only mid-flight will it actually Harry Potter itself into what it really is...?

While playing as my aboved mentioned Character, I noticed in Free Play it was very rough trying to pull this off. I would hold the thumbstick down, and then it would act like i'm doing it twice. I blow up, but the other person barely scratched if anything? (Basically not being DMGd by said CBOMB?)
I've seen the CBomb thing happen BEFORE this update though. So I don't think that's new, but still kinda urking meh.
#1 is my MAIN concern, this has been happening to me in literally every game I play ATM.
And ty for fixing the lag!!! :brokencomputer: