No response from the devs as if they are actually going to do anything about it. We all seem to be in the same boat. This is def my last time buying a bethesda game on day one. I'll make sure to wait at least a month after the next launch before I even check the forums to see if its worth buying. Ohh well, back to SC2 Blizzard FTW
Yeah...I am with you on that front. I think that it should be manditory that when a company fails to hit the mark in such glorious fashion, they should release as much information about what is going on as possible. I paid 70 bucks for a collectors edition and I feel like I will not be doing this with Bethesda\Obsidian again. At the forefront of the company's mind should be one and only thing.
Other software companies can release games that are "virtually" bug can we come close?
I am shocked to think that the whole framerate issue fell through the cracks somewhere in testing. That is crap...I have a very common configuration hardware-wise and virtually ALL other games I have played work completely fine on day one. If this were an MMO...I would understand...but we are talking about a stand alone game here.