I played GOTY and got to the end, saved the day and died. Didn't wake up 2wks later just straight to end credits and game over. I uninstalled the game, keeping my saved games, reinstalled it even got the 2nd disc to install everything. Loaded up a saved game and same thing happens. I get no experience and can't level past 20 and when I do the final quest for F3 the same thing happens, the credits roll and game ends, no wake up in citadel or anything. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to start the game over create a new character? Very frustrating to play it for as long as I have and then have to start completely over because something is up with the game. Never have had this happen before usually when I install a game that comes with the expansions it gets all installed at once and there is continuous game play. After the Purifier quest line and I pass out I'm supposed to wake up 2wks later but that doesnt happen.....lame. Help please. I play the PC version.