I recently got all the DLC for New Vegas. Going to have to level up a bit more before I do the actual add ons (only level 10, so Dead Money and Lonesome Road are a ways away.) But I figured I would have some fun with the new weapons and ammo types that came along with GRA.
But then they cost a lot of caps.
No really, a lot of caps.
Now, its not like I want all the GRA guns right away.
(That's my end goal, as I am a bit of gun nut and I keep a fully repaired copy of all the guns I like, even if I have moved past them or just don't use them as much.)
But I would like to get the Paciencia, Medicine Stick and maybe another couple of the other "Guns" GRA weapons. Only problem is they cost 5-15,000 for the GRA versions of regular guns, and 13,000-30,000 caps for the unique weapons. Nooooooooooooooooo!
Right now, I have 5,000 caps...... I'm at level 10. My tag skills are Guns/Repair/Sneak, and a have dumped excess points into Lockpick. My barter skill is 12.
I'm not here to complain that the guns cost a lot, or that you have to buy them. This doesn't bother me, it makes getting each one feel like Christmas morning, not too mention that it helps spread out the enjoyment over a longer period of time and they are 100% condition.
So here are my questions:
How can I get lots of cash fast? I already do the whole "repair n' sell" thing, and that only nets 200-500 caps a shot, which doesn't result in a very fast trip to 13,000 caps. Its also not sustainable. Several of the merchants I know are already almost wiped out money wise, so I can't sell stuff to them.
Does anyone here who is good at Fallout math know how to figure out how much the guns cost at different Barter levels? Right now, I have 12 barter, but always wear the Roving Trader outfit when selling/buying, so its as if I have 17 Barter. At this level, Paciencia costs about 13,000 and Sprtel Wood 9700 costs 29,000ish (those are the two ones I can remember off the top of my head, seems like the common costs are 5,000-standard weapons, 9,000-better standard weapons, 13,000-uniques, 29,000 fatty uniques.
So maybe I should raise my barter level.... How much will this help. I already have comprehension and have read one of the skill books, so I can only raise my barter 12 more points by doing that.
Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. Not good at Fallout math, and I never really had to think about caps before in Fallout, since most of the unique weapons and armor are obtained by lockpicking or shooting someone in the face.