And exact instructions, even! Thanks much - tonight's project: learning Blender nevermind, think I've got this nailed in NifSkope. Friggin' hell, a mass of 5000? =)
It works! It works! Now I can store all of my sigil stones in a basket. >.>
But damn, those things are dense by default. Like, at least twice as dense as, going by some rough estimates (assuming an Earth-like gravity for Nirn).
Glad I could help.

Yeah, those Sigil Stones are dense. And I mean
dense. It makes sense, though: Those tiny stones provide power to...
something that tears a hole in reality itself and actually stabilizes it for travel between dimensional planes. That would require a
lot of energy, magical or otherwise. Something as small as a Sigil Stone would
have to be incredibly dense to provide that kind of power. Makes you wonder about the density of other elements in the Oblivion planes. Might there be something even denser than a Sigil Stone?