I've been playing New Vegas since it came out, and I fancy a break at the moment, and before I load up Oblivion again, I was wondering if there were any mods that enhance the graphics?
By this I mean a mod that changes what the environment looks like, for example in FO3 and FONV the Fellout Mods. I've used both of these because they came recommended in the forums for FO3, and when I saw it appeared for NV, I was like WOW!!
So once again, I am coming to the forums in search of an answer. I searched Fellouts Authors TES-Nexus page but came up with nothing.
And yes I HAVE searched the forums, but rather than looking through thread after thread after thread, I thought it would be a lot easier to just ask on here and see which one I like the look of the most.
Thanks again guys