*However... if they rain through the bridge ~that's not fine. We'll have to see it in action.
ASSUMING (being the keyword) they're using a similar or same technology that NVidia used for the racer Project Cars (and I'm sure others as well), the lighting effects such as the "God rays" and all the other neat little tricks should translate just fine on console.
I remember the first time I actually noticed this effect on console (PS4), I was completely blown away by how stunning it looked. With the dynamic weather in the game, there was a break in the rain and it was just slightly hazy as the sun shined through the trees on the backside of one of the tracks, and seeing these effects for the very first time was the closest I've ever seen to realistic lighting in a video game.
I think everyone is just panicking at this point with release right around the corner. Having seen this technology in action on console, there are no worries at all for this guy... other than not having enough hours in the day to take it all in.