Yeah a poster was asking if they were in for the consoles too,I was just reconfiming it what I saw.
Yeah a poster was asking if they were in for the consoles too,I was just reconfiming it what I saw.
Game looks freakin beautiful and colorful. Dunno what the fuss is all about.
I read all of that.
Then I looked at the leaked Ultra-PC and PS4 shots (direct-feeds) from the actual game, rather than developer shots.
Nope, sorry, It still looks a gen behind Witcher3-Ultra and even behind Horizon.
It'd be weird if you DIDN'T !
"Tell me more Mr. Howard!"
Curiosity - which texture mod are you using in FONV? Didn't play enough of that game to go looking for replacers like that, but in FO3.... I didn't bother downloading the main texture mod there (NMC?) because I thought it looked bad - just wasn't a fan of how "noisy" and busy so many of the textures were - bumps/flakes/grain everywhere. Way too over the top.
(just goes to show how different opinions of what looks "good" are. Although the massive proliferation of Skyrim ENBs would tell you that, too - so many different setups people put out, saying "I love this! Doesn't it look great?".... eh, not really. And in so many different ways - super-saturated, super-gloomy, super-contrasty, super-bloomy, super-blurry, several of those at once.... )
I was really confused by this comment until I realized that I'd confused ambient occlusion with occlusion culling That's what I get for posting before coffee, I guess.
Game looks great to me. I'm anxious to see how well it runs on my pc.
I think the game looks absolutely brilliant. The lighting blows me away.
There is only one thing I really care about:
For my sanity's sake please tell me they finally fixed the [censored] rain falling through statics issue. Please.
Serously if they came up with dynamic wet surfaces but rain still falls under a bridge I'll end up in a nuthouse.
Thirty years later, when every game has rain NOT fall through static objects, we will still complain about Beth not fixing the issue.
At this point I am feeling like they are treating this as one of franchise traditions.
I guess this explains the discrepancy in the system requirements.
There's quite a lot of difference between a 550Ti and a 7870.
I'm curious to see how this runs on my 290X. I think I'll make a benchmark video and post it to YouTube, so others with a 290X can get an idea of how well the game will run on their systems.
I'm worried guys. Full screen it. Look at the drip splashes at the bottom. I can't tell exactly what the perspective is, but it looks like some of them may be under the bridge. Don't you do it, Bethesda! Don't you do it!
In regards to the droplets hitting the water under the bridge, i imagine it would be quite hard to also script certain parts of water that are under cover to not show drops when some of that water is also outside. But given mods fixed rain clipping i am sure we wont be getting wet under cover this time round, not when there are so many buildings we can enter now that are still connected to the wider world. I doubt bethesda would have overlooked that. Droplets hitting that water though, i could see that being overlooked
They can do anything but they can't do everything.
Maybe the wind blows the rain inwards?
We don't see drops anywhere in front of the tunnel walls, so that's a good sign.