Graphics > gameplay ?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:51 am

maybe this might be an eyeopener for console gamers

seriously the level of ignorance in console gamers is appalling

Why do you mock console gamers for being ignorant about the gaming platform on which they don't play ?
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:51 am

1. Console = grabbing little dog tags and statuettes for silly rewards (PC games as a rule dont have this)
2. Console = Save Points
3. **** graphics compared to a older Crysis, why go backwards with technology?
4. Console = No open game play

I dont like console game play period, that is why i choose the pc as a platform but lately things have been digressing. IF you dont get it by now then you will never understand.

Why drive a beetle when a Pagani Zonda is far better?

You think graphics is the only thing **** up here? Please, do your homework! It's obvious you haven't even played C1 if you think the new CoD style is better. F*ING LOL!

- Maybe it has &^%$#@ graphics compared to original Cryis, so what ? It's still a great looking game. You just nit pick. Graphics are important, but gameplay is more important. Just because it doesn't look as good or better the best looking game released in 2007, you don't enjoy this game ? So you buy games to watch or play it ?


- I dont know why you say it has no open gameplay.

I have played Crysis 1 more times than I can count and for each objective there were only 3-4 strategic options for how the player can approach them. Each section of Crysis 2 had about the same number.

To the poster above who says Crysis 2 has COD style: you either haven't play Crysis 2 or you're just retard.

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:20 am

Crysis 2 feels like a solid shooter unlike Crysis 1. I played the campaign on 360 and I can tell you it is not the case. It is almost like Modern Warfare ' s campaign. Even in modern warfare the AI appeared
more believable, also better animated and better choreographed. AI in Crysis2 is cheaply pattenised, boring and disarranged. The enemies spawn and repeat all the same primitive patterns all over. You can clearly see they are acting on the few given waypoints every time. It makes the game boring and predictable. Just saying that in the big picture the campaign equals modern warfare pretty much, it went so much downhill. Personally Far Cry was the pinnacle. It was a phenomenal game, very interesting to play, AI was less predictable, it could operate seemingly freely in an open world. So it is obvious why pc-players are disappointed.

Also if story-presentation is not your strength, then don't stress that with unmatured cut-scenes so much, make less of them like in Far Cry and let the game flow instead or make it the way Metroid-prime did, let the player discover story-stuff optionally during gameplay.

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:59 pm

Crysis 2 feels like a solid shooter unlike Crysis 1. I played the campaign on 360 and I can tell you it is not the case. It is almost like Modern Warfare ' s campaign. Even in modern warfare the AI appeared
more believable, also better animated and better choreographed. AI in Crysis2 is cheaply pattenised, boring and disarranged. The enemies spawn and repeat all the same primitive patterns all over. You can clearly see they are acting on the few given waypoints every time. It makes the game boring and predictable. Just saying that in the big picture the campaign equals modern warfare pretty much, it went so much downhill. Personally Far Cry was the pinnacle. It was a phenomenal game, very interesting to play, AI was less predictable, it could operate seemingly freely in an open world. From then it went downhill.
I'm not a fan of COD ( I didnt play MW 2 or Black Ops) but IMO Crysis 2 gameplay doesnt feel like COD. Far from it. The AI are more unpredictable, the levels are more open, and of course the nanosuit is the biggest aspect make Crysis 2 stand out from all linear FPs's including COD's.

Compared to Crysis 1, the Cell are much more interesting because you can understand what theys ay, and they have many funny lines. The nanosuit in Crysis 2 is better than in Crysis since you can have multiple powers at the same time.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:56 am

One question, mountaindude: Did you play Far Cry?
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:55 am

I take serious issue with this. I have played Crysis 1 more times than I can count and for each objective there were only 3-4 strategic options for how the player can approach them. Each section of Crysis 2 had about the same number. As far as physics that are missing from Crysis 2, it isn't as much as most people think. Yeah, you can't break trees (pointless) and there are no shacks to destroy (and you could only destroy wooden or sheet metal portions of them, anything concrete was not deformed), but aside from that there isn't that much difference. You could never damage actual buildings in Crysis 1, or shipping containers, or large ships, or rip up railway lines, or make craters in the ground, etc. The physics in Crysis 1 are overstated.

You can still pick up objects and people in Crysis 2 and throw them with strength mode to kill other enemies or knock them down.

Additionally, the only suit power missing in single player is speed mode. Other than that, all previous suit abilities are there. And on top of that, you can now use more than one suit power at the same time.

So making the suit more powerful by allowing you to use multiple suit powers at once is a bad thing? Being able to use more than one of your suit powers at a time is a bad thing because it is easier to be a badass than in Crysis 1? I am sure you will counter by telling us that that is not what you said, but that is what I am getting from what you wrote.

So anything that was done to make the suit more accessible was obviously done so it would work on consoles and for no other reason? It couldn't have been possible that maybe Crytek felt that only being able to use one power at a time was holding the game back?

To me, more often than not I see posts from the hardcoe PC guys and it basically boils down to that because Crysis 2 can also work on a console, they hate it. I say that because alot of the things they list as being great about Crysis 1 are either still in Crysis 2 or it is a subjective issue such as the maps being bigger. If you like those that's fine, but it's a matter of opinion, and they state it as a fact. A large amount of those large campaign maps were fat. Space filled with boredom and speed mode so I could hurry up and finally get to do something other than walking through the jungle. I did not miss that stuff one bit. Crysis 2 is missing free use of vehicles and vehicle variety, that is true and sad that they are gone I must admit.

Oh, and the games are comparable lengths too. If you go through both games just rushing to complete objectives you complete both in about the same time. But if you take your time it can be much longer. And in both games the increase in hours comes from being creative and finding fun ways to mess with your enemies. Again, not much difference there.

This guy speaks the truth.

- The speed power is missing in Crysis 2 but you can stealthkill, and use many powers at the same time. So overall the nanosuit is improved over the old suit.
- The CELL are more fun than the Koreans.
- Crysis 2's campaign is sinificantly longer.
- Crysis 2 has better story.
- Overall Crysis 2 is a better game than Crysis 1 except the graphics. But anyone who buy games to play (not to watch it) wouldnt say Crysis 2 is garbage.
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Saul C
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:56 am

One question, mountaindude: Did you play Far Cry?
Whether I played FC or not is not relevant here.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:58 am

One question, mountaindude: Did you play Far Cry?
Whether I played FC or not is not relevant here. If you think the AI is interesting in C2 you will be blown when you play Far Cry. I can literally see how the AI is moving aimlessly between the same waypoints all over in C2.
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lillian luna
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:12 pm

Far Cry had amazing graphics..............console gamers dont judge if you are ignorant about the issues on PC crysis 2, u just sound dumb
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:45 am

Far Cry had amazing graphics..............console gamers dont judge if you are ignorant about the issues on PC crysis 2, u just sound dumb
I'm asking my question to PC gamers who dislike Crysis 2.
Your reading comprehension fails, moron.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:16 am

One question, mountaindude: Did you play Far Cry?
Whether I played FC or not is not relevant here. If you think the AI is interesting in C2 you will be blown when you play Far Cry. I can literally see how the AI is moving aimlessly between the same waypoints all over in C2.
I'd love to play FC since the game looks great, I especially like tropical island setting much more than any "urban jungle". Did you play FC2? I love that game. If someone can combine FC2 setting and nanosuit of Crysis 2 then that game would be amazing.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:45 am

Unless you played & loved Crysis and Warhead when they were fresh, you'll never understand our disappointment, so stop trying.

The simple answer to your question is this: a loyal fanbase has been waiting roughly four years for the sequel to what many of us consider the greatest PC FPS of all time. At the last minute, Crytek delivered a pared down console game. If it weren't the sequel to Crysis, it wouldn't be getting so much sh!t. But it is, and it's a downgrade in almost every way.

Crysis 2 doesn't live up to its pedigree.

p.s. - The Cell are BORING compared to the Koreans. Why? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. They're all just cloned white suits. The Koreans had individual FACES, for fck's sake. Not to mention the Koreans looked a hell of a lot more realistic than the Cell.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:20 am

p.s. - The Cell are BORING compared to the Koreans. Why? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. They're all just cloned white suits. The Koreans had individual FACES, for fck's sake. Not to mention the Koreans looked a hell of a lot more realistic than the Cell.

Different faces and clothing options? Really? That is what pisses you off? I suggest playing The Sims, and guess what, it's on PC.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:35 am

p.s. - The Cell are BORING compared to the Koreans. Why? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. They're all just cloned white suits. The Koreans had individual FACES, for fck's sake. Not to mention the Koreans looked a hell of a lot more realistic than the Cell.

Different faces and clothing options? Really? That is what pisses you off? I suggest playing The Sims, and guess what, it's on PC.
But, does it look as good as Crysis ? If not, I wont buy it. Period.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:39 am

- The speed power is missing in Crysis 2 but you can stealthkill, and use many powers at the same time. So overall the nanosuit is improved over the old suit.
- The CELL are more fun than the Koreans.
- Crysis 2's campaign is sinificantly longer.
- Crysis 2 has better story.
- Overall Crysis 2 is a better game than Crysis 1 except the graphics. But anyone who buy games to play (not to watch it) wouldnt say Crysis 2 is garbage.

Oh I forgot the nanosuit has other new features: powerslide. It's really cool to slide and shoot the enemies simultaneously.

- Automatically recloak after stealthkills.
- Ability to grab enemies and silently kill them insated of throwing them
- Powerslide and sliding melee kick.
- - Power kicks that deal a hell of a lot more damage than simply throwing objects
- The ability to perform high jumps, one punch power melee and power throws while in Armor and Stealth modes
- The ability to add extra abilities to the Nanosuit via your Nanosuit modules, including the ability to Air Stomp (an ability Psycho uses in Crysis Warhead's intro movie, but which you can never replicate in-game).
- Armor Mode providing better protection, and the ability to fire your weapons without decloaking (when using silenced weapons)
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:46 am

I'd love to play FC since the game looks great, I especially like tropical island setting much more than any "urban jungle". Play Far Cry, this game will put amazement and a happy smile on your face;) Don't know much about FC2, only that it is not developed by the same people.

And just to make sure: play the original pc-game Far Cry, don't confuse it with a console game called Far Cry Instincts or whatever developed by Ubisoft. There is no console port of the original Far Cry.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:08 pm

- The speed power is missing in Crysis 2 but you can stealthkill, and use many powers at the same time. So overall the nanosuit is improved over the old suit.
- The CELL are more fun than the Koreans.
- Crysis 2's campaign is sinificantly longer.
- Crysis 2 has better story.
- Overall Crysis 2 is a better game than Crysis 1 except the graphics. But anyone who buy games to play (not to watch it) wouldnt say Crysis 2 is garbage.

Oh I forgot the nanosuit has other new features: powerslide. It's really cool to slide and shoot the enemies simultaneously.

- Automatically recloak after stealthkills.
- Ability to grab enemies and silently kill them insated of throwing them
- Powerslide and sliding melee kick.
- - Power kicks that deal a hell of a lot more damage than simply throwing objects
- The ability to perform high jumps, one punch power melee and power throws while in Armor and Stealth modes
- The ability to add extra abilities to the Nanosuit via your Nanosuit modules, including the ability to Air Stomp (an ability Psycho uses in Crysis Warhead's intro movie, but which you can never replicate in-game).
- Armor Mode providing better protection, and the ability to fire your weapons without decloaking (when using silenced weapons)

Dude, you're just listing all the Nano-suit's abilities. This is not a point or an argument. It's just a list. We all know what "Nano-suit 2.0" does differently. It's nice that you're so in love with it that you're spending God knows how much time writing up all these bullet points, but you aren't going to convince anybody of anything with a list that reads like you just copy/pasted it from the game manual.

In the end, no litany of features is going to make your point for you. People who preferred the old Nano-suit will continue to prefer the old Nano-suit (and guess what, it's not because we're ignorant of the features of the new Nano-suit. We've all played the game, just like you). It's simply a matter of opinion. Except the bit about Koreans > Cell. That's fact. ;-)
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Miss K
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:18 pm

But, does it look as good as Crysis ? If not, I wont buy it. Period.

It looks much better in my opinion.

From the comments I have seen the people who think Crysis 2 looks worse are the kinds of people who can't see the forest for the trees.

When they specifically list the graphics elements in Crysis 2 that are not as good looking as Crysis 1 all the can list is that some textures aren't as high res. They sit there and examine textures up close and that is what they base the graphics being good on. They are like bean counters.

High res textures does not automatically equal better looking.

The character models are like night and day between the two games. Crysis 1 marines look cartoonish in camparison and the lighting in Crysis 2 makes a huge difference.

The aliens look generic now, but that is art direction.

In the end, no litany of features is going to make your point for you. People who preferred the old Nano-suit will continue to prefer the old Nano-suit (and guess what, it's not because we're ignorant of the features of the new Nano-suit. We've all played the game, just like you). It's simply a matter of opinion.

That doesn't stop the PC guys from constantly stating that the first nano-suit being better as a fact when it's a matter of opinion. Or that Crysis 1 is better in every way than Crysis 2. Alot of this stuff is a matter of personal opinion. Some people try to point that out but people will continue to argue no matter what. These people just have nothing better to do with their free time.

So in the end, all we can do is keep levels heads and express opinions as opinions and hope that others get the point to. If not, let them continue their fighting and just don't get involved. By staying out of it, you will be a much happier person in the end.
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