I use capitals in my predicted-to-be-quotes because i want to highlight how i don't want those posts. Yes skyrim can look amazing and yes it looks better than morrowind but i still have the remaining gripe of...
- textures are often [censored].
You can see it on every crate, every piece of furniture, every rock and stone in the ground. The kinds of textures we'd see on an original xbox game. The bump maps being bad in the places that they are.
- Many things look blocky
Yes people make graphics mods- but those things are usualy unoptimised or change the look of something to make it look different rather than just improved.
Look at modern warfare 3 for instance (Don't look at it for long though) The game looks like the other recent cod games graphically.. but you never think the textures are bad unlike the others. The textures are lazily made and arent ultra high resolution but they still look good! Why? they use detail textures!! They basically slap an overlay onto things to make them look high res. They make the threads composing the garments of the marines actualy visible. They add wear to the guns. Halo uses this with metals amd it looks stunning. (i picked these games because it is noticable and you all probably played them) In halo 3,odst and reach you can stand on top of a wraith and see ultra detailed scratches and covenant paterns... but the wraith's texture is only 512. (edit: all these games are on the consoles- it's not a console problem)
Why couldn't skyrim do this? Why didnt bethesda get cunning with materials and make detail textures? Why cant i see the pores of leather and undead flesh , the sandy texture of rocks, The fibres of wood and fur and hair? Bethesda could have done that without making a performance hit and without too much effort.
Then there are some textures which just wouldn't be saved by a detail texture.. fix those the old fashioned way?
Models just are blocky.
some models just should have had more pollys. Not much can be done with a lot of them though
A Dx11 patch?(crytek did this, so can bethesda) Dx11 would do a lot to skyrim. If stones could pop out of their textures, roof shingles and the scales in your mail could be 3d, trees could have individual leaves and had many polygons in the wood whilst waves could actualy rise in height then skyrim would look AMAZING!!