I have an ATI HD5770 card and again Skyrim is causing lines, black screens, and artifacts. This ONLY happens in Skyrim. So, is there yet another 'hidden' update to this card that I don't know about or is Bethesda just not fixing the problem?
I have an ATI HD5770 card and again Skyrim is causing lines, black screens, and artifacts. This ONLY happens in Skyrim. So, is there yet another 'hidden' update to this card that I don't know about or is Bethesda just not fixing the problem?
Do you have Steam set to update your ATI drivers? The game is done being updated as of 1.9.
I pulled an old thread I had started in February with this same issue. There's a new beta driver, gonna try it. I didn't know you could set Steam to update drivers. Can you point me to the menu for it?
I would not let Steam or Windows or anything do AMD driver updates for you. There is an AMD uninstall utility for download here on their site: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
You can google previous catalyst drivers for (insert operating system here and bit type[32bit or 64bit]) and a list should come up with all of last years drivers.
If you are on a 64 bit Vista/Win7 this is the list you want: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/previous/Pages/radeonaiw_vista64.aspx
If you are on 32 bit XP/Vista this is the list you want: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/previous/Pages/radeonaiw_xp.aspx
The uninstall utility makes life easy now.
In regard to your specific issue: have you tried running the game with anti aliasing disabled? Also check your catalyst control panel and make sure anti aliasing is set to: use application setting and the anti aliasing type is set to: multisample
Adaptive has been known to have issues with Skyrim in the past and is a dead tech for AA now for the most part anyway.